So, Fake Lay has reached its first year anniversary, added the 20th girl Alice, updated alot of the artwork for Sanshi, Ice and Geeky and a new birthday event. The time warp max has been bumped up from the max of 80,000 to 120,000 and the max skill level has now increased from 70 to a new number, I'm guessing either 75 or 80. There is also a sale on, but only on buying diamonds, no discounts on spending diamonds like buying batteries, time warp etc.

Decent stuff. From what I understand, it seems the birthday event is just that sliders minigame again when you film girls to unlock birthday themed outfits. Some of the girls new artworks look great, although Ice's new big eyes are a bit weird to get used to it.

Going to buy the time warp myself. My time warp is at 65,000, so when it was at 80,000 it was 108 diamonds just to get a 1.21% increase. At 120,000, it is now at 1.83% increase at the same price, and I have the feeling it could be a good long while until the next girl arrives, so going to opt for it, especially since I've managed to hoard 409 diamonds from the various daily events and the diamond rewards for girls eating each other out.