Yeah, there clearly was an update that reduced the wait time and price. It is only 1 gem and 30 minutes now, I am furnishing a bath just for the 2nd time.

Some quality of life improvements for this event that I would have liked:
1. 100x should work not as buying 100 items, but as buying enough for next 100x (if you have 1953, it buys 47, if you have 2001, it buys 99, etc). A lot of idle games use such system now, Idle Wizard for example.
2. After buying cameras, removing clothing, furniture the main event panel shouldn't minimize. When you need to buy 20 items just to get to the next one that you can finally buy during this run it adds 20 unnecessary clicks that restore the event panel back. I think it was working correctly during first day, but then something changed and now it minimizes after every item.