Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
this cherry "adventure" has to be the worst game mode ever. There is never a point where things aren't just crawling and grinding. where every 3x bonus is met by a 1000x new goal. What the hell?
Huh? Seems fine to me. If it is the worst game mode, what about the main mode? Did you complete Alice already or even unlocked her yet? It's same thing in all idlers, beginning is fast, later progress slows down. I am currently at 3rd camera in bath room without investing gems and it is still going relatively fast (few days per reset which doubles the income). In main game it is almost a week for only 10% increase and I just unlocked Alice after almost a month long run (after a year or more of playing this game). If you don't have patience, maybe idlers are just not for you...