I've unlocked the first 4 girls in the anniversary event. I think once you hit the 3rd girl, that is when it hits the normal difficulty, which I think is how it was with other events. First 2 games have 4 items, games 3-6 have 6 items, games 7-10 have 8 items, and it really doesn't feel like the AI reaction time ever changes to compensate for this. Been putting off playing this due to frustration. When you hit game 7, you really just have to get lucky. I often find I only have enough time to recognise and compare 4 items before the AI gets it, usually leads to me just trying to guess before the AI with little success. I just get lucky half the time, either when you get a chain of cards that all use the same image, or you get pictures that stand out from everything else like the pumpkin.

Since I have all 20 girls unlocked, I'm using diamonds only when I hit level 10, and use the option to continue with the same number of cards. Used that twice, so I've only had to spend 20 diamonds for 2 girls. Don't want to waste more diamonds. Good think Nutaku keeps giving out gold in their e-mails, got 800 points now, so may buy 100 diamonds with it. Not going to spend 60 diamonds per girl to unlock them.

I do like the orgy scene and the outfits though. It does seem to go roughly in girl order. New girl chains with Cherry and Lola, Lola chains with Sanshi. Ice isn't chained with anyone so she doesn't have a sex scene yet, but I'm hoping Geeky might fill in that spot.

Lola's voyuer thing is definetly better than Cherry's, with more interesting scenes, and it seems far better balanced. Saying that though, I don't find either of them that interesting. I think you need to have a voyeur fetish to get anything out of them really. Alot of Cherry's scenes just bore me. Lola is more interesting with a plot to it, and I do find it funny how they make her out like she is addicted to masterbating. I hope she threw away that toothbrush afterwards.