So we have 2 new additions. Cake outfits, using that system where you have to bid periods of time in exchange for cakes, which can then be exchanged for outfits of the girls covered in cakes. No way to get them all in time as per usual, doesn't bother me much since I don't play the game for the outfits, just want one for Mena so she can get her 70% bonus.

The other addition, is the ability to buy past events. I mean, wow, this feels like a new low. It makes me wonder that with this system in place, do they plan on never rerunning events again? They actually have never rerun the Russian football event since mid 2018, and now it is on sale for £20. Good lord.

It seems the new cam is also incoming, with it saying it is coming soon. Presumably it will be for Sanshi. Wonder if they'll ever impliment that ability to swap the girls in the cams like they teased when Lola was added.