Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Cherry's cam isn't required for anything. Lola's cam gives out no diamond rewards, but is needed for a girl. Sanshi's cam gives out rewards right now, and has a really WTF story.

I finished Lola over 2 months ago and didn't spend any diamonds. You just got to do a reset or two every day, which becomes a pain in the butt when you have to get to room 4 just to reset, which takes an hour and a half.
Lola's had a similar thing when it came out, depending on how far you progressed you got bonus diamonds in the first month.
I personally don't mind the spy cams and only having 2 active. Cherry's is such a drag anyway, I'm into room 3 and it's so slow.

I think the new permanent game has more issues. The fact that old girls generate energy as well means they're progressively making things harder (Carol vs Mistlehoe). I find with the event girls you have to focus on them straight away. The new girl Adriana seems alright, but it's very spin dependant. Having to waste time when you don't get right items sucks. I haven't gotten a single item for Adriana, so I'm not really sure I'll be able to finish her without spending diamonds (I also didn't finish Molly so lacking her energy income).