Does anyone like the Spy Cams? I mean, Lola's was OK I guess, and Sanshi's is... weird so far, I'm on room 3 of 5. I guess it is nice to choose, since I imagine after this they'll probably choose the next girls in order. Just seems like a way to siphon off more diamonds from players with this voting system. Outfits are OK, but I'm certainly not spending 255 diamonds for all of them. I just used the free 5 diamonds for the one outfit for Lin.

Doesn't help that it doesn't really give an indication on who is actually winning this, could be anyone when you can choose from something like 15 girls. When Crush Crush did a voting thing, you at least got to see who was winning. I voted Indira, she's always been my main. Feel like Ice and Geeky are wasted votes, since I would assume they would be the most likely to get Spy Cams after this, although I guess with 21 girls, I doubt even half the girls will get Spy Cams so I guess it isn't guarnteed.