Quote Originally Posted by Shuls View Post
I meant that after you reset the game and the time for a fake it is reduced so is the moeny it costs, not that the higher girls cost more because thats kinda obvious.

We (as far as I know) don't have the formula by wich the time is decided for fake it or filming scenes but if you figured it out already be my guest and post it otherwise thats just conjecture.

As an example of how much of a difference is there between resets, things that took me hours with Frecly now are taking only minutes and my bonuses before and after were 434 and 525.

For all we know it might not even be directly related to the time bonus but instead to how many times you've done the same scene before.
I suscpect, there is a difference between first time and other times for filming as well.

I recently unlocked Indira8 and in the wiki it says Filming Time: 00:16:11 (Game 626,2 * Warp 8192 = 5,13M Total). I have 612k Total and had a time of about 134 minutes (did not write down to the second). Normalized both times come back to 158 years.

However checking this value against the second filming will take some weeks

But if someone resets more often and normalises a filming time of significant digits ( more than 100 seconds would be good) between two resets, we would know if the number of resets has any effect after the suspected difference between first and subsequent times. Still better if done with 2 girls.

Maybe they just cut subsequent filming times by 10 as a little bonus, like the hearts grow after the first unlocking. From hours to minutes sounds like that.

As for the fake it times and prices. The times seem to jump from tier to tier after unlocking first time. Not tested or seen, if tier 3 goes to 2 or directly to 1. So 1h 2h 6h, whatever t2 times are ,20s, 10m, 30m. Price for not completely unlocked indira is 0,5T 1T 3T with t3 times. With already unlocked scene it was t1 times, but I do not remember price or if I unlocked it in one or two resets.