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Thread: Fap CEO

  1. #1111
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Max speed is way more than that my friend! Set the delay to 40 ms, you can get upwards of 550 clicks per ticket that way!
    Max speed is way more than that my friend! :-)

    In the official Channel on Discord they say it about 10000 a day, autoclicker is tolerated, up to one click every 40ms, or 25 clicks per second. Otherwise you would get an error message, something with suspicouis activity or so...

    However, i tried OP Autoclicker, and actually tested what speed would work instead of bliendly going with 40ms delay. Once i set the tool to 1ms delay, it resulted repeatedly into something like 35 cliks per second. works reliably for hours (playing in the browser).

    With that you need around 60-80 tickets to complete the event.

  2. #1112
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Hey guys, just in case anyone was wondering about click efficiency for the Twins event, I did a test with an autoclicker at max speed to not get kicked (100ms) and these are my results:

    1 ticket = 233 clicks
    2 tickets = 466 clicks
    3 tickets = 699 clicks

    So it's just a flat multiplier. Looks like about 260 tickets to complete the event. Not sure I'll make that given I can't log in every hour for the chest
    the speed has been commented enough :-)

    There are two things one might want to consider along the way:

    1.) there is a small chance per click to get something, like an additional ticket, or a timeskip etc. However, this seems to NOT scale with the clickpower, thus it makes more sense to use the tickets one by one.
    I reallly dont like it, because this encourages to use autoclicker. but my tests (low sample size though) confirmed what they say about that on discord all the time.

    2.) the game crashes a lot. if you use the ticktes one by one, its not a bad loss. However, if you go with clickpower 100 all in with all your tickets and the game crashes, you might be sad...

    ...however, without an autoclicker this will break your arm, dont do it one by one...

  3. #1113
    Unregistered Guest

    update game and mouse script

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    How do you update the game on PC? I'm using bluestacks to emulate the app extracting the APK from my phone.
    Just launch FapCeoLauncher2.0.exe it will update the game version to the last one.
    It works even sanboxed:
    "C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\Start.exe" /box:DefaultBox "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Fap CEO\FapCeoLauncher2.0.exe"
    I use autohotkey for the mouse clicks. The next step may be reversing Unity with a tool like dnSpy but it would ruin the fun for sure ... and it is an evil hack so I will NOT do that... )

    AHK Mouse script ( just install AHK and run the script or... right click compil .exe ) : it works on the choosen game windows at 25 or even 30 clicks per second for me:

    Press (Alt + Backspace) to toggle autoclicker `n Press (F1) for options
    ( I also use a mouse configuration with button 4 of my mouse to L Alt+ Backspace and Button 3 linked to F1 it works like a charm )
    ;Gh0stM0use v4.2.3 by Gh0st
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
    #SingleInstance, Force
    DetectHiddenWindows, on
    SetControlDelay -1
    SetBatchLines -1
    Thread, Interrupt, 0
    SetFormat, float, 0.0
    toggle := false
    inputPresent := false
    mouseMoved := false
    settingPoints := false
    clickRate := 40
    Mode := 0
    pmx := 0
    pmy := 0
    totalClicks := 1
    currentClick := 1
    TempRateCPS := 25
    TempRateSPC := 1
    setTimer, checkMouseMovement, 10
    setTimer, setTip, 5
    TTStart = %A_TickCount%
    while (A_TickCount - TTStart < 5000 && !toggle)
      TooltipMsg = Press (Alt + Backspace) to toggle autoclicker `n Press (F1) for options
      TooltipMsg = working at %clickRate%
      IfWinNotExist, NIAC Settings
        if settingPoints
          toggle := false
          settingPoints := false
          actWin :=
          TooltipMsg =
        prevTC := totalClicks
        Gui, Show, w210 h160, NIAC Settings
        Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y10 gActEdit1 vmode, Clicks per second:
        Gui, Add, Radio, x25 y35 gActEdit2, Seconds per click:
        Gui, Add, Edit, x135 y8 w50 Number Left vtempRateCPS, % tempRateCPS
        Gui, Add, Edit, x135 y33 w50 Number Left vtempRateSPC, % tempRateSPC
        Gui, Add, Text, x30 y65, Total click locations:
        Gui, Add, Edit, x133 y63 w50 Number Left vtotalClicks, % totalClicks
        Gui, Add, Text, x0 w210 0x10
        Gui, Add, Text, x27 y100, (Default is 25 clicks per second)
        Gui, Add, Button, x60 y117 gReset, Reset
        Gui, Add, Button, x112 y117 Default gSetVal, Set
        Gui, Font, s6
        Gui, Add, Text, x157 y150, V 4.2.3 by Gh0st
        if mode < 2
          GuiControl,, Mode, 1
          GoSub, ActEdit1
          GuiControl,, Seconds per click:, 1
          GoSub, ActEdit2
        WinActivate, NIAC Settings
      GuiControl, Enable, tempRateCPS
      GuiControl, Disable, tempRateSPC
      GuiControl, Focus, tempRateCPS
      Send +{End}
      GuiControl, Enable, tempRateSPC
      GuiControl, Disable, tempRateCPS
      GuiControl, Focus, tempRateSPC
      Send +{End}
      toggle := false
      actWin :=
      setTimer, autoClick, off
      currentClick := 1
      GuiControl, Disable, Reset
      Gui, Font, s8
      Gui, Add, Text, x54 y145, Click locations reset.
      Gui, Submit
      if mode < 2
        clickRate := tempRateCPS > 0 ? 1000 / tempRateCPS : 1000
        clickRate := tempRateSPC > 0 ? 1000 * tempRateSPC : 1000
      if totalClicks != %prevTC%
        toggle := false
        actWin :=
        setTimer, autoClick, off
      if toggle
        setTimer, autoclick, %clickRate%
      Gui, Destroy
      IfWinNotExist, NIAC Settings ; Only functional if options window is not open
        toggle := !toggle
        if toggle
          setTimer, setTip, 5
          if (!actWin) ; actWin value is also used to determine if checks are set. If they aren't:
            settingPoints := true ; Used to allow break if options are opened
            Loop, %totalClicks%
              if totalClicks < 2
                TooltipMsg = Click the desired autoclick location.
                TooltipMsg = Click the location for point %A_Index%.
              toggle := false
              Keywait, LButton, D
              Keywait, LButton
              if !settingPoints ; Opening options sets this to false, breaking the loop
              TooltipMsg = 
              newIndex := A_Index - 1
              MouseGetPos, xp%newIndex%, yp%newIndex%
              WinGet, actWin, ID, A
            settingPoints := false
          else ; If values ARE set (actWin contains data):
            settingPoints := false
            setTimer, setTip, 5
            TTStart = %A_TickCount%
            TooltipMsg = ##Autoclick enabled. %clickRate% | %totalClicks%
          toggle := true
          setTimer, autoclick, %clickRate%
           setTimer, setTip, 5
           TTStart = %A_TickCount%
           TooltipMsg = ##Autoclick disabled.
           setTimer, autoclick, off
      StringReplace, cleanTTM, TooltipMsg, ##
      Tooltip, % cleanTTM
      if (InStr(TooltipMsg, "##") && A_TickCount - TTStart > 1000)
        TooltipMsg =
      if TooltipMsg =
        setTimer, setTip, off
      if (WinExist("ahk_id" . actWin) || !actWin) ; If NIAC is clicking in a window, or the window isn't set, it's all good.
        MouseGetPos, tx, ty
        if (tx == pmx && ty == pmy)
          mouseMoved := false
          mouseMoved := true
        pmx := tx
        pmy := ty
      else ; Otherwise, the target window has been closed.
        Msgbox, 4, NIAC, Target window has been closed, `n Do you want to close Autoclicker as well?
        IfMsgBox Yes
          actWin :=
          toggle := false
      if !(WinActive("ahk_id" . actWin) && (A_TimeIdlePhysical < 50 && !mouseMoved))
        cx := xp%currentClick%
        cy := yp%currentClick%
        ControlClick, x%cx% y%cy%, ahk_id %actWin%,,,, NA
        currentClick := % Mod(currentClick + 1, totalClicks)
    ~*LButton up::
    #If WinActive("ahk_id" . actWin) && toggle
      MouseGetPos,,, winClick
      if winClick = %actWin%
        setTimer, autoclick, off
      Send {Blind}{LButton Down}
    $~*LButton up::
      IfWinNotExist, NIAC Settings
        setTimer, autoclick, %clickRate%
      Send {Blind}{LButton Up}
      pid:= DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
      h:=DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x001F0FFF, "Int", 0, "Int", pid)
      DllCall("SetProcessWorkingSetSize", "UInt", h, "Int", -1, "Int", -1)
      DllCall("CloseHandle", "Int", h)

  4. #1114
    Unregistered Guest
    Offset(d) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
    00000000  39 33 33                                         933
    The launcher just check a version file located in \FapCEO_Data\ folder and will currently update the game on next run if it is different from 933.

    My current version is 0.933p LIVE ( as seen in the last line of in-game setttings screen)

  5. #1115
    Unregistered Guest

    Non-Intrusive Autoclicker

    The given AHK code was adapted from Non-Intrusive Autoclicker 2.1 by Shadowspaz

  6. #1116
    Lord FAPPER Guest
    Its just sad that there is a 200 key limit per day

  7. #1117
    Unregistered Guest

    Help with twin clicker?

    I'm stuck at exactly 72 clicks. I can open the interface but can't click on the girl anymore...
    Anyone sure why? I've reloaded the game several times on several computers and browsers.

  8. #1118
    Unregistered Guest

    I'm a dumb idiot regarding the question above ^

    Is there any way besides waiting for 1 hour to open the purple chest?

  9. #1119
    Lute Guest
    Can you please make the game even more Safe to work?

    -Remove any fan service
    -change icon for game installation/remove hentai background for browsers
    -change the office with 11 robots bumbered 1 to 11 instead of the beloved girls

    I can't dodge bullets with my boss anymore, he caught me twice... it was last warning not to watch porn at work XD

  10. #1120
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm stuck at exactly 72 clicks. I can open the interface but can't click on the girl anymore...
    Anyone sure why? I've reloaded the game several times on several computers and browsers.
    Try the PC version or clean your cache : check in settings screen if you've got the latest version (933)

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