I have unlocked all 4 of dita's videos but the emails just say I need to unlock the previous threads first.
Have you actually hired her yet? Normal email chains don't appear until a girl has been given a seat.
Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963
What was the scene in the amber email thread obtained by the lube?
Anal on a table with Dita's resume on it.
Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963
yeah i can confirm it is all random for the gains week now, i tried to find the pattern with 6 tickets all for the first and second card, and it is different every time, my result(just in case you are curiouss) is:
1 _ 2
1/2 1 _
1 _ _
Someone made quite an impression on the discord![]()
Has anyone yet posted a FULL list of all 23 decorations? A guy months ago posted a JPG of the 18 or so that he had already collected, but only one of those is one I haven't seen yet.
Generosity (19, plus 3....which is the one I am missing here?)
- Booster Time
- Tapping Power
- Offline Revenue
- Private Show Spawn
- Base Cost
- Key Drop Rate
- Level Cost Reduction
- Stock Market
- Prestige Power
- Company Multiplier
- Shares
- Girls with D+ Cup
- Girls with >8 Foot Size
- Girls with 7-8 Foot Size
- Girls with >5.6 ft (tall)
- Girls with C Cup
- Girls with 5.3 - 5.5 ft (tall)
- Girls with <5.2 ft (tall)
- Girls with AA-B Cup
(- <7 foot Size)
(- Starting Money)
(- Upgrade Cost Reduction)
Reply time reduction.
Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963