Anyone else not getting puzzle pieces for the daily quest? Happened to me last event too.
Anyone else not getting puzzle pieces for the daily quest? Happened to me last event too.
I got my puzzle pieces, but twice this week the daily roulette and key reset didn't happen for me.
Are all Nutaku games down right now or something? Every one I load up freezes right when gameplay should begin.
There is an annoying bug in the game that happened to me many times in the past:
If I have the game open during the daily reset time, I sometimes don't get the daily stuff. It definitely affects the free spinning wheel and the daily key reset - not sure about other things like daily quest.
I complained to the devs a while back- they sent me a few extra rubies. But the bug kept happening every now and then, so now I just make sure to shut down the game right before the reset time, and start it after.
What are the recommended settings for an autoclicker?
I run 1 click per 23 mS using OP Auto Clicker 3.0. The game now automatically limits your number of clicks, so if you set it lower, it stutters, which annoys me.
Just discovered that store level is capped at level 50 (multiplier 17.76e33). This puts the end to further game progress beyond this point.
The chair levels are not capped so far - after reaching the upgrade time of 48 hours, they just stay at that. The costs increase each level, but so far are still very affordable. So this provides some further progress - no clue for how long.
Chair levels max at 99
Huh, I was kind of hoping the tournament rewards were a bug resulting from them forgetting to update them, since the outfit you could win was the same as last week. Tournament's done now though and I did end up getting the displayed rewards, so I guess we're not getting any tournament reward event tokens this time. Unless I've messed up my count, the next tournament and the event both end simultaneously, so we wouldn't be able to use rewards from that one.