Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
At which level did you wait? My last 3 girls are at level 64, 35, 16 and get 54M, 79M and 108M. This is 80% of the total income.
Til where do i need to level them? You have any tips?
I don't really know a specific level but pretty much what I do is I wait say like a few hours or something or use a time travel, then I use all that money to upgrade the last girl. I then wait again or use another time travel if I really don't want to wait and I have one. After the second wait, I use all that money to evenly level up all the cheapest girls. Pretty much just level up the last girl enough where she can make a ton and without excess. Excess is good but you really want to sell your company as fast as possible for the skill points and decorations which help soooo much. So lets say a girl costs 1T to upgrade 100 levels, you make about 240M a second so about 1B every 4 seconds. That would be a little over an hour to get 100 levels; that's just one girl too. I'd say upgrade them a little more so you can get about 150-300 levels after your waiting period assuming you check daily or every few hours or something. If you get really close to selling, try to max min everything. If every girl costs 10B to level up, level them up evenly. So you would level each one up until they cost the same again, ex 12B. It's tedious but you'll get the most levels this way by having the most value per level up. Also if you don't have a clicker tool or something that would be handy. I have a gaming mouse and I put a rapid fire macro on it. So when I get on after a few hours, I just hold the button on each girl to level her up like 50 times instantly. I think the best key would just focus on the last girl being income and the others are just levels to get you to sell. Then when you sell, get decorations and upgrade them. They are very cheap to upgrade except for Alexis which I have no idea why she is a decoration. The skill trees are also very good but you need a few points which you only get one per company level.