My girls are almost all max level with the only difference being the last level needs so many ITEMS that I stopped levelling them due to being out of keys/ enough items.

All the girls were always maxed out as much as possible for me and let me tell you EVERY NEW GIRL gives a crap ton more than the last one you unlocked the previous level. There was never a single instance where "the last three girls gave same amount of money" OR "every girl after Cassandra is useless as it doesn't give more money but costs more to upgrade".!

They cost more to upgrade because they give you a LOT more money! Again, all my girls are on the last TAB on the replies section, at the LAST reply that needs to be activated with items from chests. So yes. It does make a huge difference to get the latest girl unlocked for the next level company.

I just upgraded from lvl 7 to lvl 8 Company and I was making 2.00 SP per second out of which, about 80% of it was all Laura "the sister". The only reason I upgraded is because I raised another 50 gems from achievements and could double my shares which at this point were 7500+. With 50 gems you double your shares and IT PAYS OFF! in these pics you can see my shares after i went from lvl 7 to 8 a few mins ago. And also my girls's level range. PS, just use those with a tinypic address as we are not allowed to post links for some reason in here.


The problem with the game starting at level 7 Company is the fact that you only have access to 11 seats despite having unlocked 13 girls. Why? I don't know but that's how it works atm and lemme tell you that poses a huge problem because even though you may say to yourself "it's fine I'll just let the secretary go and start with the second girl instead (or third in the next level)", by the time you reach company lvl 8 you can only start off with a certain amount of money which means you are FORCED to start with a low lvl girl that makes close to nothing because no other girl outside first and second are available to hire at the begining of lvl 8 due to not making any money without an employee.

Don't bother leveling up your replies, as you can see above I got 7 and without having non stop keys you won't get too far. I believe I got about 7-8 keys in total from about 300.000 clicks so farming them like that takes forever. Keep replies to a minimum as on later levels you will need 60 to 75 items to level up one single girl and get her new photo!

I suggest using ALL your gems for doubling your shares only! As it seems to be the only worthy one! Also because increasing your replies takes +25 gems per +1 reply. That is 25-50-75-100-125 and lastly about 150 gems to get +1 more reply to make it 8 in my case.