Quote Originally Posted by BlueFalcon View Post
The difference being that it lasts two full days and even Chloe falls out of relevance as far as earnings really early on in that if you're quickly making 5000+ levels.
The way my skills and decos are, Chloe gives me more income than Judy at the time I usually sell the company. But to reach that point, it usually is better to upgrade the other girls as well. Like a step ladder.
I think it requires more testing to come to any definitive answer, though. It might even change based on levels and the players current boosts.

The problem is, you do not want income, you want level. But for level you need income. For better income you need higher girl but higher girl gives less level.

How to find the sweet spot?

The upgrades are rather arbitrary. The one girl gets x20 for the item, the other girl x25 and so on. Even strange numbers like 22 after having a line of nice onces like 15 15 20 25. Examples: Most girls got x25 for the bead plug. Judy only x20. And only two girls so far could afford the chair upgrade. Judy got x25, Sara x20. The big black one. Except Sara, all girls have a x20 on that one, Sara has x15.

So the devs are placing the girls with a scheme. But how? Is Girl X good for No, Girl Y good for Dc and Girl X good for Ud and so on?

I am currently at Dd and Judy makes about 90% of the income alone. This will not get better by much. To do so I could upgrade maybe two girls with the money I need for the next upgrade of Judy, but that would only increase me to maybe 120% of my current income instead of mulitplying her income by x20 or whatever the next upgrade gives her for the same money.

How is this supposed to work?
The thought was, that the most expensive girls give the most income. Or will give the most income, once leveled up. But scratch that. See below.*

Oh trust me, I know the danger of 6+5. I did it at lv 9 I think and getting to lv 10 took me over a week.
Been there, done that. I think I actually used that speed up for the stock market to overcome that trap.

Now I could just as well do 0+11, but 6+5 is still hard without a day off time or two.

On the other hand, though, while I could get to 5000 and sell in about an hour or two if I wanted, I have a job and other things I like to do so I only sell about once per day, so I want to get what I can in that time rather than just pushing to 5000 as fast as possible.
I do that while watching TV or surfing the Interwebs. Either active or by logging out for half an hour.

Last thing I tried, and it kinda works, only level Chloe and Judy and not level all the other girls and when I am in the high No bracket, I set the buy option to max and level up all the other girls by 500 without buying their upgrades. It all costs precious mouse clicks.

Funny thing though, wenn I compared the only other grouping of girls that have the same rps, the one that is cheaper stayed cheaper. Amanda stays cheaper than Zoe and always gives the same income at the same level. For the top 6 this is in reverse. Judy costs the most to hire, but once leveled she is maybe a 1/5 of Lana and a 1/10 of Cassandra. But this seems to get worse and worse. After the Tickets, the next upgrade costs 1/10 of Lana for Judy.

*On the next thought, maybe all you can learn from that is, of the top rps only ever hire one and that is the most expensive and currently Judy. Maybe for all the other girls it does not matter much wich you pick.