Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I've taken both Ingrid and Judy up to 375 so far and Ingrid stays about 10% more expensive than Judy the whole way to that point.

I think the best strategy now might be Judy + Ingrid + 9 cheapest girls to hit a nice balance between income and overall levels.

Before, going 10 + 1 was often the best because all the other top earners had disproportionate costs for their leveling vs income.

But with Ingrid being almost equal Judy (only 10% or so more expensive consistently up to lvl 375 thus far), this seems like it could be a good strategy.

I will be trying that in this next tournament to see how it goes.
I don't agree as much but If your goal is to sell as quickly as possible, I can do that in like 10 minutes with judy + 10 cheapest girls.. My decorations aren't all that good so idk .-. (I am at lvl 46 atm)