Quote Originally Posted by B-Pep View Post
With the new system in place it would seem that it does not matter at all which girl you pick. But would like confirmation from someone else!
The game tells you as much. Does not matter now.

What still matters, is the ordering. Old Judy is New 11. Old Chloe is New 3. Those two still to 90% income shortly before you reach 5000 combined level. So focus on those two to pull the other girls up in that income area.

I do not understand how it can be beneficial to spend 50 gems on double shares. That is only a good choice, if you do seldom sell your company, like every other day or so. Or below company lvl 15 if you are "in a hurry". I do click "a lot", but not in the cheaters overnight way. I do not have that kind of gems through keys. But I am able to sell the company within a matter of minutes from 0 to 5000, if I wanted to. So those double shares or 50 diamonds equal a few minutes play time. That is basically nothing, compared to the days (!) I need to farm those 50 gems.