Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
People were farming several thousand keys per night and then opening tons of chests, thus artificially inflating their diamond count for basically free and buying stuff like multipliers, daily. I have to assume that's how some are able to sell their company in mere minutes now without spending hundreds of dollars on the game.
No. For one thing, the stuff you can buy for money is rather worthless in game terms. Granted, you will save a week or two, if you buy early.

And second these kind of games hit something that is called diminishing return.

It is either artificially implemented or a consequence of the math involved or the arbitary growth tables they use.

Consider shares per company sell. This is a constant. (Yes you can farm past 5000 lvls but this is not beneficial, unless you will log off anyways).

With this constant you buy and lvl decos. Most of those decos have both kinds of diminishing returns.

The artificially one is the more or less rapid growing cost to lvl the decos.

The math one is the effect of some of them: Additive growth of a multiplication factor gives diminishing returns by nature. (To the extreme: adding 1 to a x3 gives you a x4 and thus an increase in 33%. adding 1 to a x10 gives a x11 and only a 10% increase. Even if buying this +1 costs always the same, it will be worthless at some point.)

The first ~10 lvls are easy. The next ~10 rather hard. Then maybe 10-30 lvls easy again and now you should hit the point where you can click your way through a company sell (if you want to) in less then an hour. Much less if you use the keyboard mouse or a rapid fire mouse and of course the donuts and time skips at certain phases to overcome a hurdle. Buying the Big Black One for Girl #3 and #11 is such a hurdle. After that, if you hit a private show on those and you buy the next upgrade for Girl #3 and still have a Private show, you can buy max on all the other girls and sell the company.

Of course, you should not waste your shares on leveling the useless decos. You should level them for their prestige, but only as long as they are cheap. Reply timer is useless. Base cost reduction is good. Plus shares is obvious. Stock is only good to lvl until you can use the market and you only needed it, if you got stuck in the first few company levels. Some decos even max out at 26. Others are insanely expensive to level past 20.

But now what? Hypothetically the constant of selling the company would get increased by faster and faster intervalls of selling the company. But waaaaaait a moment. This is supposed to be an idle game. At least that is what I thought it was. I have no intention of running my computer day and night and selling the company several times an hour. (And through diminishing returns I know, that would not even give me much bonus. I would need over 10 company resets to increase the "good" deco by 1 and this +1 would yield maybe a +1% in speed. No, thank you. (And this is why double shares is a stupid way to spend your gems! The only time this is somewhat usefull, is early game when the diminishing returns have not yet screwed you.)

Quote Originally Posted by Doctorwhoa View Post
The girls still have the same cost to raise to the next tier as they had before.

Quote Originally Posted by sassi9 View Post
You can now put whoever you prefer in the last position and she gets the best skills.