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Thread: Fap CEO

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  1. #1
    Being unable to claim rewards that become available while you're not in-game is absolutely vile and better be a god damn programming error

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest


    got kicked out of game less than a minute before a 4 hour mission finished when i logged back in i never got a reward

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Logged in after letting an 8 hour epic mission finish offline, only to find that the mission was gone, and there was no reward. Good luck finishing anything with this buggy mess.

  4. #4
    I have experienced the two situations. One time a finished the mission offline and claimed later with no problem. Then i started another mission and thought it was ok to finish offline.... but when i logged it was gone. So yeah its strangely buggy.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest

    So far no problem on my side with the missions

    Hi all,
    I read the mixed comments about the issue so I deliberately tried out claiming missions late.
    I claimed an 1 hr mission 6hrs later and it worked fine, and also I claimed an 8hr mission after an overnight sleep and it also worked for me.
    In both cases I wasn't online. (even the browser wasn't open)

    The mission you do is listed at the very bottom of that window with the 'finish' button changing into a 'claim' button.

    So I think the bug must come from somewhere else. (i was thinking on a mission reset sometime during the day, but that's not it, the other missions were swapped)
    So as far as I know there is no need to force yourself to stay online (but that doesn't mean i discredit others bad experience, other bugs might cause you lose the progress)

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    it might be a case of leaving the game right after accepting the mission instead of waiting a minute. i've had many times where i've left right after making any change (leveling a girl, buying/selling stock, etc) where it would revert me to just before those changes. im guessing it saves every 15-30 seconds or so as i've had no problems when i've waited a minute ish (about one song loop).

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    I always press F5 to force the game to sync before quitting. That still didn't help, my mission was removed with no rewards.

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Someone can tell me what is the max level for all decos?

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