Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
with the shares you got from this run you were able to full upgrade all but on decoration that go to 101 level?

as said above, everything maxed, except the neon sign (the ones for more sjares):

https : // imgur . com/a/isz39EC
(ordered by price, list scrolled to top, only one left, 892e9 to level the decoration to 75, 870e9 shares owned)

status right now:

https : // imgur . com/a/Dgot6uN

...you can tell from the picture, that i got 870 e9 shares left, next upgrade to the deco (which is useless anyway by now) costs 892 e12. so 22e9 left.... in a 2-3 minutes run, i could make something like 2e6 (2M) shares, this means, to get the decoration to 75 i would need to make 11e3 (11K) of those 2 minute runs. lets asume i wanted to go to 76 after that and lets asume the level would cost 1000e9 ( = 1e12 ), then i would proably need something like 500e3 (500K) runs. At 2 minutes (and i would take probably a bit more, and i guess the price would be actually a bit more also) this equals somethign around 695 days of constant 24/7 2 minutes runs)

with stocks i expect something like maybe 5 levels in a 2 months stocks run, after that, (neon up to 80 or so) it would probably take several 2 month runs to level it more.

its only a tiny prestige advantage. basically not worth it :-)

But hey, i still got to get the last stock market achivement ;-) (53% rigt now)

If you want to try that, dont underestimate the stamina you need. i work at the pc and have it up on some of my monitors all the time, it took over 2000 trades on the stockmarket to get there the first time :-)

another side note:
i started the first run in the old leveling system (and got quite confused the day they changed it), therefore the level notes, earnings etc, ar all without any girl modifiers, they didnt exist when i started.