Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So I can just start up with say 1 sxd and then use stock market for a couple of weeks and then I'd be able to max out all decorations other than the neon sign?
Sounds great, has anyone else done that before? And how do you know when to stop?
1.) When to start trading stocks:
short: when clicking private shows doesnt do much anymore. AND you do not want to (or can not) sell.

In the beginning after selling the company and starting fresh, the girls levels come pretty fast, then you need to click some more until the next levels, until you hit a wall when it seems like it would need endles clicking to get a new upgrade.
So for example, if you earn 500e60 per second, and the next level up until the next upgrade (so for example 50 levels) cost 2e69. you can run over night idle, or click endlessly and it gives only 5e66. You see, it would take super long to reach the upgrade.
Nice point to start Stocks.

2.) Leveling Girls while trading stocks:
Every few days I level my girls. But I only spend a fraction of my money, because I want to grow it, and only level the girls kind of as a loss prevention, so if the game has a bug or whatever, and i loose all money, at least i got the levels up to the point of the last few days of trading and do not loose everything (hopefully).

So lets say I sold all Stocks, and I got 1e84 Money, I level all my girls until one single level costs, for example 1e72, so its basically nothing of what i totaly own, the prices are 12 digits behind my total money. Then I trade stocks for a few more days, and lets say once I am at 1e96, I do the same thing, level the girls until a single level up of a girl costs 1e87.

3.) Selling the Company
3.1) so, if you are trading stocks, because you where not able to sell it, lets say, you need 5000 level to be allowed to sell the company, but it got super slow at 3000. well, that means you are trading until you can afford to sell the company and start over. i dont think it is usefull to already start a long run to max everything.
Try to get at least to company level 15 to unlock the biggist chests, because you probably would open a lot during a long run, so its worth beeing on company level 15 at least.
3.2) If you do not HAVE TO do stocks in order to sell the company, but you are going for one long run to unlock everyting, well, to be honest, I dont know what is the earliest point when you can sell the company and have everything (except the neon sign) maxed.
You can always check how many shares you would get when selling at the current state by clicking on the money, or the Company level. It will bring up a dialog like this:

"Selling the company will grant you x shares (a + b)
Total level ups: y"

with a Green Button: "x Shares"
and an Orange Button: "2x, 10 Gems, Double shares"

For example, after a week, it looks like this for me:
"Selling the company will grant you 5.66e6 shares (358.74e3 + 5.30e6)
Total level ups: 12640"

Green Button: "5.66 e6 Shares"
Orange Button: "11.33 e6, 10 Gems, Double shares"

This seems VERY LOW, because I could get 2M shares in 2 minutes. But the power for exponential growth will kick in soon, it outpaces the linear grinding of "2Ms per 2 minutes" by a lot.

Of course when you finish the long run, you spend 10 gems.

On My first run, I got 3,57e12 Shares. To get that with 2M in 2 minute runs, you need 1.79e6 runs (or 6,79 years of constantly doing 24/7 runs with not one second break).

I wasnt sure when to stop, and was thinking, well, I just do a little more, because If I stop to early, and would do it again, I would basically throughing away the first run, since it would take the time of the first run to get there again, and then trading further. So I thought, well, just a bit more, and then I noticed that the upgrades stopped (somwhere around where a girls level up costs e250) and then i noticed, i get close to the "magical" 56750 that those cheaters get in the tournament. so I thought again, a little more until i sell. and at around e300 i noticed, that the girls are maxed. you can not get any further. Of course i could trade stocks longer and get more money, but there is nothing to buy with the money (obviously, i reached 56750 combined girls level at this point).

So you will definetly see once you maxed the girls, you can sell the company.

However, it is probably already possible to sell earlier, because with all the shares i got in the end i was only leveling the neon sign. everything else was already maxed out.
Now the current levelup for the neon would cost me 0.87e12.

so mayby, 0.5e12 or 0.1e12 shares is already enough to max everything but the neon. some of the last levels of the others where around the order of 10e9 if i remember correctly.

Check the "sell company" dialog how many shares you would get, and decide whether you want to sell or not. I think, try to get at least to 0.5e12 shares, maybe better above 1e12.

I already had the neon sign before i started the first run (but not very high, maybe the first 5 levels or so, i really dont know, maybe 10), so maybe it is even not possible to get that high without the neon sign. in that case, maybe its better not to start a long run without the neon sign. But i tend towards it is not neccessary.

But if you are already at, i dont know, maybe e260 after 2 months, you might be thinking, well, i give it another 1-2 weeks, and go for e305 and max everything, and get maybe 3 or 5 levels more on the neon.

So, tldr: check company sell dialog, and sell once you got 1e12 shares, better more.