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  1. #10251

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    I just tried a 10x
    Not impressed with this stuff.
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-10x.jpg

    The devs thought this would be better than reroll gacha? They are nuts.
    Cant find any win percentages. Methinks Ill set this one out

    Myers you got so much gold, you might actually get something good out of this. It felt like it will take a hundred million to seriously challenge.

  2. #10252

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    @Phob: The rates are in the GW annoucement:

    ■ゴールデンウィーク限定!ゴール ガチャ

    販売期間:4月29日(土)00:00~5月8日(月) メンテナンス開始前まで

    ゴールデンウィークを記念して、ゴ ルドでプレイ可能な「ゴールデンウ ーク限定!ゴールドガチャ」を開始 いたします。
    こちらのガチャではキャラはもちろ 、各種アイテムも獲得可能となって ります。

     ・2022年5月2日(月)までにプレミアム ガチャにラインナップされた★2~6キ ャラ


     ・★6 0.10%
     ・★5 1.00%
     ・★4 5.00%
     ・★3 12.00%
     ・★2 30.00%
     ・★1 51.90%

       必要なゴールドの個数:5,000,00 0個

    ・本ガチャにおいては、すでに所持 ている★5、6キャラクターがガチャ ら排出された場合でも、

    In short:
    [Appearance probability of each rarity]
    ・ ★ 6 0.10%
    ・★5 1.00%
    ・ ★ 4 5.00%
    ・ ★ 3 12.00%
    ・ ★ 2 30.00%
    ・ ★ 1 51.90%
    It could be okay if it was girls only. But 0.1% for 6* stuff filled with useless items is no. Even if you get the super rare 0.1%, what are the odds the it will be a girl and not an item? Seems there is no details about that.

    Anyway, we got 5oo FG x2 and 30 world exploration potions. I guess it's apologies for the catastrophic GW?

    @Wutan: I don't know the caracter limit per post on this forum. I think you should keep the firsts 4-5 comments on your ranking thread for the recap list.

    Edit: Okay, we need 4 bilions gold for the new danchou title. That *5 gold campaign is the only chance to reach it. With 2.53M max per gold dungeon, it could be possible. Challenge accepted.
    Last edited by maotd; 04-29-2023 at 12:05 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #10253

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    Wait even i might out myself now as total noob but i thought the best way to farm Gold atm is Zakuzaku Gold Rush (Second Tab, Third to last)
    Maybe i forgot it cause i didn't play for so long but is there something better for farming???

    Yep i will keep the first 5 Posts. I think we have now 1025 Rainbows.

    About the Auto-Sell of 4* and the like:
    Hehe don't worry i know this. There is another reason i keep it on for Rolls but it's more Superstition based on my part...


    Also in General in Case i missed something:
    There is still no way yet reliably farm High Ampules except the Warehouse and Events right?
    And Memory Seeds for FMs are only obtainable via Roulette and also Warehouse in general?? Wasn't it like that you could get them once upon from the Memory Stage or is my Memory clouded here?
    Last edited by Wutan; 04-29-2023 at 01:18 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #10254

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    Yep. Advanced Zakuzaku Gold Rush missions are the best I guess. Usually it's not worth it but right now, 250k gold for 20 stamina is very nice. Teh other good sources (but not farmable) are the free 150k each day and the 210k packed with 3 stamina potion on world exploration.
    It's crazy to try the 4 bilions but at least, it would give me enough gold to waste on that stupid gold gacha.

    High ampules are still not farmable. You can get them on world exploration (limited to 2000 of each), weekly quests, various campaigns or in the warehouse. the best source was Rose Medals but I don't know if the shop will be refilled some day. I guess we will know May 1st.
    Same for Memory seeds. Not farmable. The only """farmable""" source is from event raid bosses. You can get 100 of them sometimes. And the best way to get them is luck on gogo roulette I think.
    I'm not 100% sure but I don't think they have been available in memory dungeons or any other mission. Or just limited specific missions maybe. Not even sure.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #10255

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    Thank you a lot for clarifying that for me. Then i didn't miss anything which makes me happy on one side but it would really be nice they finally implement a Way farming these High Ampules. It would make the process building teams much much faster.

    What kind of Rewards do you usually or others go for in terms of World Exploration btw???

    I usually opt for the Petite Centy, Stamina Refill Pot or the High Ampules.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #10256

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by phob View Post
    Myers you got so much gold, you might actually get something good out of this. It felt like it will take a hundred million to seriously challenge.
    Did about 2 dozen rolls, most interesting thing is ~50 Petite Oath Hearts and 2 RG Crystals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    About the Auto-Sell of 4* and the like:
    Hehe don't worry i know this. There is another reason i keep it on for Rolls but it's more Superstition based on my part...
    Fair enough :P.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    What kind of Rewards do you usually or others go for in terms of World Exploration btw???

    I usually opt for the Petite Centy, Stamina Refill Pot or the High Ampules.
    High Ampules > Petite Centies > Stam Pots > Equip Materials

    I've actually reached the maximum Petite Centies you could get (2000) a while ago, despite not prioritizing them.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  7. #10257

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    What kind of Rewards do you usually or others go for in terms of World Exploration btw???
    High ampules>Specific Girls>Stamina potions

    I maxed petite centies too a while ago. Currently I'm chasing Blossom Hill girls for dupe Pincushion and Persian Speedwell.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #10258

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    Ok thank you guys. Then it's not that different compared to me. I often times just do the less Rarity Stages as well if the Rainbow ones don't hold anything i am interested in.

    Do you guys btw. know what the Chance of possible Rainbows are and how much the Rarity Up Arrows this effects???

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #10259

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    No idea on the rainbow rate. I don't even know if it's a know value or another hidden stat. It's rare for sure but I managed to get like 4 or 5 since they added world exploration.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #10260

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    Hmm ok maybe i do these World Exploration also at night then.

    In terms of good RGs atm it's basically Solomons Seal, Pincushion, Durantha Easter and omg Persian Speedwell is insanely good
    Thank you for pinpointing me to her cause most of my Best Attackers are like Blunts anyway and Pavonia would appreciate these buffs

    What is your opinion about Heart Tree btw?

    I thought about switching it up sometimes between the following Teams:

    Sigilaria, Corbett, Adlay, Zinnia and Cotton (Standard)

    and then...

    Heart Tree, Momiji Suzakuin, Adlay, Zinnia and Cotton.

    I think since Momiji has good increased Intercept Damage a pure "Hit Rate Debuff" support would be better than Sigilaria here cause she debuffs Skill Act as well and since my Cotton has Provoke FMs i kinda want the Enemy to activate it's skill and hit the entire squad more often

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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