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  1. #10511
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    The powercreep has gone too far. Even new regular rainbows struggle to be meta. The top tier is mainly occupied by limited gacha 6* (aka girls you can only get in their special gachas for a short time then wait until they come back at dev will). The old top tier are not viable anymore sadly.
    There is almost no new gacha 5* (last one was on event 220). Only event 5*.
    Event 5* Poison Berry is excellent. Top tier Slash ally support. I think we are 3 reprint away from her. Must have with top tier like Bunny Cactus and Niddhog (girl, not boss) around.
    I really like Winged Everlasting too but her reprint was last week and ended already.
    I don't even know if they still do rereprint...

    I guess that's almost all. But now, you can farm Rainbow shards for RG every 7 and 27 of each month. There is a really easy nazuna-stage available for the whole day where you can get 1~10 shards. That's cool.
    Oh wow that power creep sure sucks... all that resources (especially gold) irrelevant... They should really do something about that. Then again I did kinda feel this already before I left so I doubt it will change.

    Oh Niddhog girl! I was browsing all the new 6stars that came out since I left and she was the most interesting! At first she didnt really appeal to me with her skills but since you say shes actually good. I'll definitely try rolling her.
    edit: Im too late arent I? Shes one of those limited only girls you were trying to tell me about RIP

    Btw does the rainbow medal exchange still let us exchange for new girls? Currently there are only two which are new and another section for 6 stars up to like 2020
    Last edited by JLP603; 11-12-2023 at 04:42 AM.
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  2. #10512

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    Yep. Powercreep sucks. And Sadly, I don't think it will or can change. Someone on the discord says it's a monster devs themselves can't tame anymore. I like this image.

    Yep². Nidhogg is a limited gacha unit. She is not available currently but she will be. Later. When devs will decide.
    At first sight, I didn't think she would be that OP. But she is. With the right support, she steamroll all the Hraesvelgr stages (current hardest stuff where it's advised to bring alternative team styles). For me, she is the second best girl after Adlay.

    R-medals exchange didn't add more regular gacha girls. Still locked on 2020. The other two are R-medal exclusive girls. Here is the list of exclusive R-medals girls : https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki...Rainbow_Medals. Pavonia is the best and only top tier here. The others are ok to awful. But there is good waifu material.

    Well, despite the pityful state of the gacha and meta, the game is still fun and there is still potential to have fun on everyday missions and lower level content with girls out of the S++ uber meta top tier.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #10513
    Wait new events only have one mission? How the hell are we supposed to farm for flower gems now?
    edit: I think I can earn some gems from the event mini game? the mini event gatcha. I'm guessing the gems from these mini games will eventually total to what the old fighting stages gave in completed stage fgs?
    Last edited by JLP603; 11-13-2023 at 04:41 AM.

  4. #10514

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    There is only one stage but it gives 14oo gems instead of 2oo for each stages. And there is some bonus gems in the event mini games. At the end, we got more gems than before.
    Also, it's a gacha event. You can do the last step (on week 2) infinitly and it gives 100 6* aqua fragments for each completion (aka infinite 6* fragments). Now 6* fragments can be converted into aqua stones (10 6* fragments for 1 stone). Aqua stones are used to evolve equipements (20 for event equipements, 100 for personnal equipements). Evolved equipements give huge bonuses.
    In short, this event is the best way to evolve equipements. It's a good thing to start intense grinding now.
    Last edited by maotd; 11-19-2023 at 05:24 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #10515
    Any thoughts on Zinnia? She seems like it takes a lot of turns to be really good (5/6 of Zinnia and not the team)? Zinnia Christmas sounds good too. guaranteed guts for team for 1 turn if a unit activates a skill. I'm thinking you can chain this to be unkillable unless enemies attack you twice. dont know which is better
    Last edited by JLP603; 11-22-2023 at 05:27 PM.
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  6. #10516

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    Christmas seems to be a good ancient girl as support.
    She would be real good on my Cattleya team. I like that 1.05x20 skill act too
    Haven't been using that team much lately though so I got to pass, maybe get her next time she comes round. I only have 500 gems at this time
    OG is good too. If you could use a good attacker get OG.

  7. #10517
    Did 110 pulls and got the guaranteed Zinnia. Put her with an accuracy reducing and guts and nullifying team and damn. They almost take everything out compared to before where they couldnt even clear two non boss nodes. Now I just need one more attacker and I can clear the 85000 missions. Still cant clear the last battle of nidhogg though. not enough power to overwhelm his turn healing. Do all of you use accuracy reducing teams? because I dont know how else we are supposed to survive more than 3 turns when the boss can 1 hit ko even when damage is reduce to 70%
    Last edited by JLP603; 11-24-2023 at 05:45 PM.
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  8. #10518

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    I usually use Sigillaria as packed debuff. Then, the broken combo of Adlay+Zinnia+Nidhogg (previously Corbett) delete everything from existance. I add Spring Star (Parallel Academy) for extra guts, HP drain and damages. Nothing in the game can handle this much damages.
    I think Adlay is the key here. But I was too overpowered for Nidhogg and didn't really pay attention to it. Same for Midgardsormr. Hraesvelgr is another story. I brought the big guns and beat it in one try but it was just pure luck. This thing is stupidly strong.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #10519

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    Nice wife

    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  10. #10520

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    She looks like a nice support. Not suited for farming stages with her massive -150 speed but defintively nice to have on the long run. If her buffs can proc even if she's dead, she can be usefull in evade teams to help with their damage issue.
    She has a silly hat but she's worth the RG. Not as broken as Poison Berry though.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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