Title: 3 sisters on good terms
White Pansy: Purple Pansy, I've made you some pumpkin soup
Purple Pansy: Thank you very much
Yellow Pansy: A, Purple Pansy, here you are!
White Pansy: Kyaa!
Purple Pansy: A...!
Yellow Pansy: Woah... All sticky... Sorry, big sis
White Pansy: <Are you all right, Yellow Pansy?>
Yellow Pansy: Purple Pansy, don't look so down*
Yellow Pansy: Wanna lick? <I'm fine with that>
Purple Pansy: I wonder, who's the one looking down (on me) here?*
* Original joke is based on the word for "lick", which can mean that or "underestimate/look down on/make fun of".
I think it's the best I could do to make it work.
Yay for the first one I could do without looking into the dictionary even once.
Funny that it also features my probably favorite 2*.
Last edited by Volarmis; 10-13-2017 at 02:46 PM.
Name: Volarmis
DMM ID: 317568967
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
Haven't tried it out myself, but this should shed some light.
Name: Volarmis
DMM ID: 317568967
DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
IGN: Dusk
[Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]
So for DMM, are 1-3 and 2-1 still relevant for xp and manyu farming? Is there any other worlds worth considering, I guess mainly for bonus stages as I am low on them precious MANYUs O_O...Thanks! (Oh I can do up to world 10, but I'm leveling pretty fast, so hit me with any world number!)
Mitoru ; Hello. Thanks Mitoru.
Ghostmon ; Nice to meet you, glad you enjoy DMM FKG.
game ; Glad to see you again too
maotd ; I still online on DMM but not long. Mostly my d*mn friend active my account for me... with payment...
I don't to give hime another 10k yen so just decide to come back in full-control mode HAHAHa.
Ninjax ; Thanks. It's good to come back for full time commander work sir.
Sound> Just reach level50 with a personnal earring and try to level up it again. Now, there is the equipement evolution screen insead of the level up screen. You need 8 stones to evolve the equipement (at least for 5*'s equipements) and maybe coins but I'm not sure.