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  1. #4981

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    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-rainbow-crystals-541cc4c.jpg
    I guess it was a good idea to do all these rolls just after the new year.

    Edit: has expected, rarity upgrade reset skill and equip slot. So, it may be a good idea to not spend gold or dress bloom on girls you want to upgrade.
    Last edited by maotd; 03-12-2018 at 09:53 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #4982

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    According to popular vote annouce all girls are in this system.
    Just matter of time who will be priority.
    This week we see high rarity girls that got the best place entering the system.
    (Lolikabuto the winner // Anemone 2nd place // Suiren best place in 5★)
    So next batch maybe we see low rarity girls like Alstromaria or Cyclamen.

    In long term this system will be useful, more girls to upgrade and more crystal to use from every pull.

    P.S. My native called this system as Increasing Star System.
    oh and some called it Dyeing Rainbow System.
    Just want to tell.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 03-12-2018 at 10:13 AM.

  3. #4983

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    Well... I was afraid about the game breaking potential of this new Star boost system but it so much expensive...
    You need 680 Rainbow Shard to rainbowize a 5*. A 50 FG roll give you 22 Shard. So, you need 31 roll to turn your 5* waifu into a 6* waifu. In other words, it cost arround 1550 FG just to make ONE rainbow. Just by making these 31 roll you're almost certain to get at least one true legit rainbow. Maybe more if your name is Wutan. This new feature is really attractive but don't really worth it at the moment. I hope they will add other (free) sources of Rainbow shard in the future (I know you can by them with D-medal but once again, it's so expensive and D-Medal are already usefull for 5*6*salt ticket). Maybe by them directly with FG with more RS per FG?

    On the bright side, it will not break anything or decrease the rainbow value. That's a good thing for the game (both for game mechanics and game benefits for FKG team).
    On the dark side... if raising 5* to 6* is so hard and Rainbow Shard so hard to get, no one will bother with raising low rarity girls to at least usable 5*. That's a bit sad. It was really good to take 2* to 4* out of the shadows but at the end, it will just make 5* shine even more.

    And about equip and skill slot lost, I guess it's better to wait for new rainbowizable girls gacha to get a dupe and use her instead of wasting your beloved 5* waifu full everything. Espacially if all thoses gacha give 12% gold for 3 FG instead of 6% for 5 FG.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #4984

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    May 2016
    Guys I have to step in becouse I am sensing some bad thinking here...

    All of this - the Rainbow coins, the Rainbow Shards, etc... all of this is FREE addition.
    Look at how the game once was - Nutaku is the prime example of that.

    We are getting free additional features that allow us, long term players to get extra stuff.
    And yet I see discontent, that it is "too hard to get" and its "not worth it".
    I wanna treat you as friends and kindly, so thats why I am putting it this way, otherwise I would use completely different language and way of saying this.

    To put it simply:
    Dont bitch at free stuff.

  5. #4985

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    Tobe clear, I never said it's a bad feature. It's just too hard right now. Is it bad? No. If it was too easy it will break everything anyway. That's just, it give that kind of fealling "hey a new super awesome feature right now, but you must wait months before you can try it cause you don't have enough stuff". It's like finding christmas present in summer but waiting christmas before using it. It's frustrating. Necessary for the good health of the game but still frustrating.
    And when I say, it not worth it, I mean it not worth it to jump right now on the firsts new rainbows and burn all your FG to experiment it since you may take a long time before you can do this with another girl. In other words, be patient and wait for your true waifu, dont go on the first free 6*.

    Free stuff is free, new stuff is new, DMM is always better than everything.

    Also, saltickets and 5*6*saltickets don't give you Rainbow Shard.

    Back to regular salt, 100 D-medal 5*6*salticket give me salt once again:

    Okay, just half salt since I like her and I wanted her on DMM even if I will certainly not use her. But she is cute and funny.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #4986

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    I like the feature but i advise against using Skillblooms/Dressblooms if you want to promote a specific 5*.

    Since i am looking for a specific Skill Setup I basically have twice the chance to get a new Rainbow which suits my needs :

    New Rainbows from new Events and New Rainbows from promoting. I like that.

    However it will take us a considerable amount of time to hoard 680 Crystals so we have to choose the girls wisely.

    There is something unclear to me:

    Lets say i decide to promote my Shrine Maiden Anemone and i manage to get a 5* version of her:

    Does it mean i will be able to max out the 6* with her 5* counterpart?

    If that's the case all i can say is: Fuck Yeah!!!

    These promoted 6* would be easier to max out (Skillblooms/Dressblooms) than normal Gacha Rainbows.
    Last edited by Wutan; 03-12-2018 at 02:05 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #4987

    Join Date
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    Title: Snow Pea's field

    Flat Sea Holly: Snow Pea, you like working in the field, don't you?
    Snow Pea: ...Yeah
    Flat Sea Holly: If we plant my favorite candy in this field, I wonder if we'll get a lot of it in return
    Flat Sea Holly: Just kidding... <Ahaha>
    Snow Pea: Oh, come on... I don't know if it'll sprout but let's plant one together
    Snow Pea: <I'll be taking one>
    Flat Sea Holly: Eh!?
    Snow Pea: I don't know if it'll be fine to take care of it the same way as other vegetables... <planting>
    Snow Pea: It'll be great if it sprouts
    Flat Sea Holly: Ah... no...
    Flat Sea Holly: <I just wanted to make a joke...!!>

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #4988

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Lets say i decide to promote my Shrine Maiden Anemone and i manage to get a 5* version of her:

    Does it mean i will be able to upgrade the 6* with her 5* counterpart?
    According to the notes, increasing skill level and equipment slots of rarity-promoted characters will only be possible with rainbow skill and equipment flowers respectively, which means a rarity-promoted 6★ will likely be stuck at 1/1 for a long time...

    Rainbow Skill Flower of Kodaibana
    500 life crystals
    Rainbow Equipment Flower of Kodaibana
    *Only packaged in specific DMM point promos

    It's also stated that simply trying to increase rarity-promoted characters' skill level and equipment slots with their exact copies, or upgrade flowers (as in the case of event characters or characters in the bond crystals tab, for example) won't work.

    Presumably, this restriction is so that it won't be that easy to full-spec a rarity-promoted 6★ to 5/4 over any true gacha 6★.
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  9. #4989

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    Thank you, buddy.

    I won't hoard FGs for 5* and continue with my original plan.

    Man i wish i could get my hands on Aconite. She would be my perfect target for promoting.

    Btw. how does your final Debuff Team look like? I am curious cause i think we will have quite similar team members

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #4990

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    It's good for Irincium???, she can have a CANDY TREE for use in future.
    Well she name flat but she doesn't flat at all.

    I'll jump the Star Boost System for sure, in future.
    I can change my starter gold girls team to be come rainbow.
    And talking about the amount of crystal, we may get it easy than we thought.
    Dev will deliver some as gift for sure.
    Also not to mention that thios system will have some problem until Dev have to do crystal compensate.

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