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  1. #5311
    Did 3 rolls on the gacha
    First roll was silver pot,but the other 2 were more rewarding
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-42.jpg
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-43.jpg
    Not really sure how to feel about this.

    DMM ID:261827564

    Made by Myrdin

  2. #5312
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Don't let anyone discourage you. Gratz to your bunny girl. She might not be the best of the best, but then again most of the girls aint.
    Plus she is your first 6* so that makes her special

    You can always make all your teams with 1K speed, so she gets nice bonuses, but doesn't finish before the other teams. Hehe speed running the maps like crazy.

    And I probably focused to much on her weaknesses in my previous post. Let's fix that.
    She's a rainbow, that alone puts her leagues ahead of 99% of golds. She's one of very few Blunt 6*'s, and weakness multiplier is nothing to scoff at. She has the highest multiplier of all speed-attack buffs. Flat +150 speed is always nice to have, as it makes it a lot easier to manage your teams speeds. Lastly, attacking twice on first turn is actually quite useful for event/Aqua Shadow farming. And compared to Denobrium, Lagurus is weaker as turn one sweeper, but Denobrium really falls short in case the fight doesn't actually end in a single turn.
    Thank you for kind words. I already tried her as group leader and found that she has very good animation, and she is bunny, and not only this - she will have both +15% attack and speed=>attack buffs so she is great as for me. I even was not thinking that there are so few blunt 6* girls. Yes, she definitely misses skill chance up, but nobody is perfect. And last, but not the least, she is my first 6*.

    That 1% - do you mean someone like Waterlilly or Anemone miko?

  3. #5313

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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Sound View Post
    Did 3 rolls on the gacha
    First roll was silver pot,but the other 2 were more rewarding
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-42.jpg
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-43.jpg
    Not really sure how to feel about this.
    I'd feel happy, congrats.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #5314

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    Happy, perhaps?

    Gz. That were some good rolls.
    Last edited by Wutan; 04-17-2018 at 10:19 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #5315

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    Congrats for all the rainbows. Seems thoses FG give great things for some of us.

    I don't play Nutaku atm. so i don't exactly know what's going on right now but their Free Rainbow Campaign was n1.
    At least they are trying to improve things.
    Last week they did a super big maintenance with a lot of extra time. We got a 5*6* ticket (with 20% rainbow) as compensation. It's still a salty compensation for certain people but it was the best compensation we got on Nutaku. I got Cactus so, I can't complain at all.

    Mraktar> Congrats for you 1st rainbow. Even if she is not the best, she is still a rainbow. Being "weak" as a rainbow don't matter when she is used with golds. It's matter only with full (or almost full) rainbow team building. You don't need any rainbow to do the major part of the game and you need a lot more rainbow to deal with the hardest parts of the game anyway. So, just enjoy her as a powerful girl for your favorite team.
    After all, there is only a few rainbow who are strong enough to be excelent by herselves (hi Saffron/Kerria/Dendrobium). The others are just really good but still can't do all the job alone.

    About the 1% of golds better than rainbows it's not the few gold with possible rainbow promotion, it's the golds with a rainbow soul. Golds like Cymbidium (weak and slow but she is the best skill activation girl in the game) or Pink Miko (best 5* counter girl EVER. See my post about her on the team building thread).
    Like someone already said, just put her with Cymbidium if you have her (oh wait, you may have a 15' 5* stone to get her easily). and a few other golds with 3 target skills and you will have a nice turn 1 sweep team.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #5316
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Congrats for all the rainbows. Seems thoses FG give great things for some of us.

    Last week they did a super big maintenance with a lot of extra time. We got a 5*6* ticket (with 20% rainbow) as compensation. It's still a salty compensation for certain people but it was the best compensation we got on Nutaku. I got Cactus so, I can't complain at all.

    Mraktar> Congrats for you 1st rainbow. Even if she is not the best, she is still a rainbow. Being "weak" as a rainbow don't matter when she is used with golds. It's matter only with full (or almost full) rainbow team building. You don't need any rainbow to do the major part of the game and you need a lot more rainbow to deal with the hardest parts of the game anyway. So, just enjoy her as a powerful girl for your favorite team.
    After all, there is only a few rainbow who are strong enough to be excelent by herselves (hi Saffron/Kerria/Dendrobium). The others are just really good but still can't do all the job alone.

    About the 1% of golds better than rainbows it's not the few gold with possible rainbow promotion, it's the golds with a rainbow soul. Golds like Cymbidium (weak and slow but she is the best skill activation girl in the game) or Pink Miko (best 5* counter girl EVER. See my post about her on the team building thread).
    Like someone already said, just put her with Cymbidium if you have her (oh wait, you may have a 15' 5* stone to get her easily). and a few other golds with 3 target skills and you will have a nice turn 1 sweep team.
    Guaranted 5* with high chance 6* can't be salty at all, especialy on nutaku even if you roll a dublicate.
    BTW, I've got as compensation on nutaku ...... Lagurus (halloween), and first hour i was very angry with this roll, but later i found her nice enough (not the strongest, but i realy like her). So first seconds i was thinking that i've got her again, but after that i realized that she is rainbow. I don't understand this gacha random - about 80% my DMM gacha girls can be split into 2 categories:1- i have them on nutaku too, 2- not implemented on nutaku. Pink miko... counter +50% self def up+ invul - it's great, there are only 3 bad thing with her: that i don't have her, can't pick with ticket and she is ugly. Instead i have Rose - counter+ bad def. Waterlilly seems to be very strong too - x2.4+lifeleech skill with 33% base chance, evasion, mass def up, invul, mass attack up - and it's before rarity up, so i think that she is my strongest 5*.
    Nice that i saved both tickets because i even was not thinking about Cymbidium as a candidate.

  7. #5317

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    That's remind me that everyday in my native community... it's always has somebody ask same question 'why Nutaku is down'.
    Until some of senior member start to throwing a joke that Nutaku start to block foreigner player so they can't login.
    Yeah just a joke, of course.

  8. #5318

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    Guaranted 5* with high chance 6* can't be salty at all, especialy on nutaku even if you roll a dublicate.
    It's salty in the way not everyone will got the same thing. Like the infamous christmas 5*6* ticket with 50% of rainbow. I didn't say it's a bad thing at all, I just say it gave salt to arround 80% of the player base. It's still a great compensation anyway. But not everyone is compensated in the same way at the end, that's just what I'm saying ^^

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #5319

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    Just a question about this kind of ability:
    After attacking an enemy, follow up with an attack that uses 12% of the party's Overall Force as Attack power.
    By "Overall Force" they mean Total Power? Or just all the ATK stat?
    Does these damage count Equipement bonus?

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #5320

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    Great, I missed the post-maintenance fun.

    I was at work all day on Monday (which meant I couldn't check patch notes) and had to deal with 33 goddamn degrees at daytime the following day (didn't want to risk my laptop getting fried sooo). I have lots of catching up to do.

    What an influx of free flower stones... I got 290! D M M F K G, T O P F K G

    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    I've found only a few flower gems (about 11-15) in my box.
    Looking at the description, it's probably because I've completed most of the national battle missions.
    Now that those have been remade, they're probably giving out the remainder of gems we could have gotten before.
    This is likely the case. I'm not sure how many of nation stages I have played, but it should be around 25. I assume the 173 flower stones I got must be a compensation for the nation stages that I didn't really bother to open because reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I as well didn't do that many honestly. There is so much stuff going on in DMM that I just didn't have enough time to do the Nation Battles. Especially as the rewards for finishing them aint anything super special.
    Same. I just play 1-1 of each rotating nation for the free ampule from completing a daily quest. I'd rather not bang my head against the wall trying to deal with RNG panels. *glares at Winter Rose 1-1* As such, nation missions are the only ones I have yet to complete.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Didn't get my 5* seal stone. Lame >___>
    The last tab in exchange is where special tickets and sealstones will end up.

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