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  1. #871

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    No, that is all that is needed. You don't need any dupes.

  2. #872

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Duplicates are not needed for blooming or second affection. You only need two birds of the matching type, two petals of the matching nation and an elixir of the matching rarity, plus a hefty pile of gold.

    They are, however, a good way to get bond crystals, as you get 1000/12000 for each gold/rainbow that you fuse or sell. Bond crystals are used to buy second affection items and danchou medals, which in turn can be used to buy tickets with 92.5% gold/7.5% rainbow rates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitoru View Post
    No, that is all that is needed. You don't need any dupes.
    Thanks for the answers. I guess the thing I've read was about the Bond Crystals.
    I guess I'll have to decide what to do with the duplicates of time-restricted reissued event knights on Nutaku that I'm keeping in my inventory in this case.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #873
    So, I decided to make a DMM account to see the other side. Have to say, it's been a weird and fun experience. Managed to get the event girl of the last event gacha 5 Skill/4 Equips in the ten hours I had left for the event, so I'm off to an alright start I'd say.

    If any of you DMM players have a spare slot for me in your Ally Lists, I'd appreciate it.
    My ID is 826334200

    Please, no comments on my IGN.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  4. #874

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsport Bloom View Post
    So, I decided to make a DMM account to see the other side. Have to say, it's been a weird and fun experience. Managed to get the event girl of the last event gacha 5 Skill/4 Equips in the ten hours I had left for the event, so I'm off to an alright start I'd say.

    If any of you DMM players have a spare slot for me in your Ally Lists, I'd appreciate it.
    My ID is 826334200

    Please, no comments on my IGN.
    Sent a request, your ingame name is ILoveCorgis?

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #875

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Sent as well, some Maple power should help out. Love the name, best of luck with gacha early.

  6. #876
    Never send a Corgi to do a man's job.

    Thanks for the help guys. And as for the gacha luck... well, let's just say my gacha experience has been a lot closer to the average experienced by players on Nutaku over in DMM. 1 gold between my two 50 FG pulls so far, but the bright side is that I've only gotten DMM-Only gold girls so far, so it's been a great deal of fun despite the bad pulls. Both Pomegranate and Firethorn are really fun to use, so I'm excited for my next 50 pull. Hopefully another DMM-Only girl will join my team.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  7. #877

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsport Bloom View Post
    Never send a Corgi to do a man's job.

    Thanks for the help guys. And as for the gacha luck... well, let's just say my gacha experience has been a lot closer to the average experienced by players on Nutaku over in DMM. 1 gold between my two 50 FG pulls so far, but the bright side is that I've only gotten DMM-Only gold girls so far, so it's been a great deal of fun despite the bad pulls. Both Pomegranate and Firethorn are really fun to use, so I'm excited for my next 50 pull. Hopefully another DMM-Only girl will join my team.
    My luck with gacha is far worse than Nutaku with 150FG spent and 1 gold only and old girl at that. But with swimsuit Epidendrum from free ticket pretty much pulled me along the bumpy road. So good luck with pulling, FG are much easier to get than Nutaku at least.

    Edit: Okay never mind... maybe my luck just migrate to another game...
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-gs.jpg
    Last edited by game2534; 05-16-2017 at 08:20 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  8. #878

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Welcome to DMM Bloodsport

    Dont worry bout the pulls. The first 3 for me were equally shit. Then Bam, my first 6*. As for current - my last 4 pulls were all shit again.

    But the thing is > you might have noticed this already, but DMM throws so much on you that its both overwhelming at first, but you feel appreciated and there is literally a pull every two, max 3 weeks on DMM you can do, thanks to the constant promotions and the additional Flower Gems you get

    Will be adding you later today, once I log in. My two critical hit / skill activation ladies should prove useful throughout the levelling. My plan is to get Loquat to add onto that crit. Appricot to boost that skill act and for the last spot I have yet to decide. But thats all luck / cash dependant so plenty of time left heh.

    Gratz Roentgen
    Nice Game ! Your first Rainbow in GS ?
    I was lucky enough to get the guitar girl before, and the cute Tengu chan from the last gachas.
    So far my GS account has 3 rainbows, all from gacha only. Better luck than Nutaku and DMM FKG combined ^^
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-16-2017 at 12:11 PM.

  9. #879

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Its kinda sad seeing that from all the vets. who started DMM alongside Nutaku FKG, we are the only two left. I think bunch of them guys dropped FKG alltogather on both versions.

    By any chance do you know > when you go to you units managment, there at tha bottom left, just above the settings button appears a new button colored green/turquoise/blueish ? It takes you to a different screen with some options, but I dont know what those are, and there is literally zero info on the wiki about it.

  10. #880
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    By any chance do you know > when you go to you units managment, there at tha bottom left, just above the settings button appears a new button colored green/turquoise/blueish ? It takes you to a different screen with some options, but I dont know what those are, and there is literally zero info on the wiki about it.
    Promotion Abilities, tis linked from the main page.

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