Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post

Thank you
Yeah i feel better now. I am not 100 % back at full health but it just a matter of time.

I can't play the game using Chrome anymore. The lag is unbearable. I use Puffin now. It works decently well but even using Puffin i have to set the ingame graphics on low to play with minimal lag.
Welp. I spoilered something in my reply to you. Anyway, as I was saying, I mentioned that in one of their later patches after that certain update, a limit was enforced on how many of multiple assistants we could set (100 max) to reduce server load. The game hasn't lagged for me since then.

By the way, if you don't mind, try Vivaldi. I've been using this shortly after both of us began on DMM, and I suggested it to Myrdin as well.

Btw. did i miss any new OP units during my absence?
Not exactly OP-tier, but Rukousou transforms into a really strong support debuffer after promotion (20% ATK debuff, 15% enemy skill debuff, x1.2 activation, Guts... stuff I'd look for on a debuff unit), but her design is...... eh. Then there's the 6 poll version of Aconite... er, Monkshood with a unique 25% chance to debuff enemy actions by 1 each turn.

I thought i would get an extra Rainbow after rolling 55 units. Maybe i misunderstood the new system?
No, you didn't. I recall the note about it was quite vague, even as I was re-reading it; it didn't explicitly state if it'd be a recurring thing or not. In the end, it was gone after 1 event, while 6 and 5 rate buffs were maintained.

Quote Originally Posted by fndkgnz View Post
I used a single silver ticket and got Sakura!

Beginner's luck I guess. Less than 2 days in and already 4 Rainbows.
Congrats! By the way, there exists a gacha thread...... because gacha rolls, good and bad, deserve due space!