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  1. #7201

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    OK, since there was no discounted gacha on this year's anniversary and our free pulls are over, I have some seal stones to use.
    Considering I already have 5* Pinkladies, Cymbidium, 5* Nadeshiko and a few others, who I think were considered some of the more useful 5*, are there any I should prioritize promotion-wise? Or am I free to choose the ones I like more than the others without missing out on anything?
    Dont you want to wait until the salt tickets pull on 15th ? Would be a damn shame to waste a Seal(:3)stone on a girl just get a dupe right after from the saltmines

  2. #7202

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Dont you want to wait until the salt tickets pull on 15th ? Would be a damn shame to waste a Seal(:3)stone on a girl just get a dupe right after from the saltmines
    Hmmm, good point. I'll use them then, thanks for reminding me.
    Anyways, any suggestions?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #7203

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    Jul 2017
    Texas, USA
    Got help over on discord for my error out problem with the event. Wow are they fast when you submit a report. Fixed within the hour. Did a yolo after I got back in and snagged the event Onci. She's such a cutie but holy weaksauce.

    EDIT: She is not in fact, weaksauce. I am an idiot. In my 3am stupor this morning I forgot to max her affection. Once plied with cake, she took her spot in my top five where she belongs. *facepalm
    Last edited by ceekay; 02-13-2019 at 11:21 AM.

  4. #7204
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    OK, since there was no discounted gacha on this year's anniversary and our free pulls are over, I have some seal stones to use.
    Considering I already have 5* Pinkladies, Cymbidium, 5* Nadeshiko and a few others, who I think were considered some of the more useful 5*, are there any I should prioritize promotion-wise? Or am I free to choose the ones I like more than the others without missing out on anything?
    If after your salt tickets you still didn't get anyone, I suggest PL for rarity growth Kerria-like beast mode. That's my honest and totally biased opinion lol,

    Quote Originally Posted by ceekay View Post
    Got help over on discord for my error out problem with the event. Wow are they fast when you submit a report. Fixed within the hour. Did a yolo after I got back in and snagged the event Onci. She's such a cutie but holy weaksauce.

    EDIT: She is not in fact, weaksauce. I am an idiot. In my 3am stupor this morning I forgot to max her affection. Once plied with cake, she took her spot in my top five where she belongs. *facepalm
    You mean the 6 star Onci? If so, god dam congratz! Not sure why you are aware at 3am but okay, whatever works for you I guess haha

    DMM ID: 838832909

  5. #7205

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Texas, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    You mean the 6 star Onci? If so, god dam congratz! Not sure why you are aware at 3am but okay, whatever works for you I guess haha
    Yes, 6 star. I shouldn't have been aware at 3am. Had a rough night. Paying for it today.

  6. #7206
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    First off > Welcome Back Game ! Here take this obligatory mofu to keep you company while studying:



    Durrem > You have some nice girls in there to choose from... haah the amount of Manyus... I am so jelly of ya !
    Anyway you have two universally great girls in there: Appricot and Tritonia.
    Both have skill act, and both come with the very rare, and super precious Barrier skill.
    Appricot is slightly better then Trit (if Trit had better % on her "per type" buff she would be amazing, but as it is, the actual value is less than some bacic buff types other girls come with, without that stupid gimmick. 9% would be amazing, and 10% would be insane, but ah well... hope they buff her as I want to pick her up as well), and both of them are of great value in any type of team > but work best for high offensive teams like Critical or Boss Killers.

    The reason being > sure you loose a bit of damage from swapping of the DMG girls for them, but the fact that because of the Barrier your team cane survive 1 round with the Super OP bosses who one shot anything or the ones who go First and twice, which double your damage even with the loss of one damage girl. After all its better to be able to fight in 2 turns and deal slightly less damage each, but more in total, than deal slightly more damage but fighting only once.

    So yeah, Apricot or Tritonia is who I would go with.
    Thanks for taking the time to look over my stuff. I notice Cowslip also has the damage negation. How would she rate compared to Apricot or Tritonia?

  7. #7207

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    May 2016
    Yeah, regarding that, let me break it down a little. Not overly detailed, but enough to give you a good idea what is it that you have to work with.

    I did the comparison in regards to stats abilities and such some time ago in regards to my own teams and this is what I came up with:

    Now there are 5 girls who do this

    Habrantus, Wolfberry, Cowslip, Tritonia and Appricot.

    Depending on the team setting, some of them might be better than others.
    For example Wolfberry (a.k.a. Kuko ....fuu~ :3 ) is top pick for me since she is a Crit girl with Barrier. Thats a no brainer.

    For the rest
    Apricot is very good, might even be the best out of the 4 remaining. Good stats, good speed, and bunch of useful abilities.
    Habrantus is similar but weaker, mostly because Apricot brings universal Boss dmg buff, whereas Habrantus gives "Hit type Weakness".
    Both have skill act and basic counter

    Here you might choose depending on if you need Red or Purple girl in the team in question.

    Cowslip > she is not bad, but her skill set is about building damage over time. In fights where this extra damage is useful you usually face a 1 Hit 1 Kill boss, meaning even with Barrier you dont get full mileage of it.
    That being said though. If you get to turn 2 the Damage buff she confers IS considerable. If you picked her for the 50x Gem gacha (which I didn't and I do regret it severely. Thats what happens when you cant read JP and as such cant read the fact that this thing is ONE TIME ONLY thing and not a new mechanic.... sigh)
    Tritonia > Has better stats as Cowslip but the problem is her abilities are worse... the problem is her "new gimmick". The damage buff from her first skill is only 7% which is super pathetic. Do the math. At its peak its 7x5 = which is just meager 35%. Sure thats not horrible ... BUT there are Girls who have 30% permanently and get 3-4 more abilities.
    Trit is paying for this shit of a skill with one ability "slot".
    This wouldn't be bad if she had one more usefull ability, or if this skill had some actual meat on its bones (8% should be the basic. Personally I think 9% would be the sweet spot as this would increase the damage by a lot and compensate for her having only 4 abilities, 2 of which are rather meek, one is skill act and one is the amazing Barrier.)

    Ultimately it boils down to whom do you like and which Type you lack in the team. I would love for Trit to get buffed but thats something we never know will happen for sure.
    As it stands now > Disregarding Kuko who is and autopick for a Crit team, I would rate them like this:
    Apricot > Cowslip > Habrantus/Tritonia.

    But honestly, you are already ahead of the curve my man, since you have 3 of them already, meaning the choice has been made for you = you get to shield 3 of the teams you want without the need to invest anymore RC or Tickets.

    Now if I were to go for Power I would go with Apricot personally I think she is the top dog out of all 4 of them. But If I were to go with Waifu, I would go with Tritonia (those mermaid eyes of hers are charming as hell ) but thats also because I had Appricot back on Nutaku, and as such would prefer something new.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-13-2019 at 02:02 PM.

  8. #7208

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    For me, Maid Cowslip is top tier as support girl. She changed my life and is the key stone of all my victories. Go for her.
    Tritonia is good too but just a bit less good.

    If you have both of them, just raise them. Don't care about Ampule them. They don't need ampules. They just need to be here with max level/affection/personnal equipement. Tritonia and Maid Cowslip are awesome support and bad fighters.
    Aizoon is a better choice for ampule.

    If I was you, I will raise Tritonia and Maid Cowslip without ampule and raise Aizoon with ampule. Then, I will buit a team with:
    Saffron/Aizoon/Tritonia/Maid Cowslip/Kerria.

    You want as much evade girl as possible, as much Negate damages as possible and as much Damage buff as possible for Kerria.
    With Maid Cowslip+Aizoon+Tritonia you will reach +105% damages after turn 3. That's an insane damage buff for Kerria.

    To beat thoses stages, I'll go with this kind of set up.
    In order of reaching the boss:

    1: Nightmaher/Cypress Vine/Spider Lily/Aconite/Aizoon
    2: Viola/Dogwood/Any 5* with solar Altar/5* or 6* filler/5* or 6* filler
    3: Dusty/Kugaisou/Rainbow Rose/Wheat/Japanese Silver Grass
    4: Saffron/Paphiopedilum/Tritonia/Maid Cowslip/Kerria
    (PS: Paphi seems better than Aizoon actually, so, I use her instead. Better damage buff and... better damage buff anyway).

    You should level up your other 6*. You have many of them. Keeping them level 1 just to save gold and level up them with ampules is not a good idea. If you manage it well gold is not an issue and you will need all your 6* to clear thoses stages.
    If you still don't want to raise them without ampies, just try that team set up.
    I already did some posts about strategy for the last new mission (the 690500 TP one), how I did it and how the fight goes.

    Good luck

    PS: RRose is good but can't take a single hit against the bosses here. That's why evade girls are better. You should use her as a one turn glass canon and buff her Crit damage instead of relying on her HP drain. The only one with efficient HP drain here is Kerria.
    PPS: I don't hate RRose at all. I like her a lot. I'm not bashing her, I'm just saying she should not be used as deffensive girl.

    Edit: Here are my posts about that:


    I hope it will help you.

    And Ghostmon, did you clear that last Hardest stage at the end?
    Last edited by maotd; 02-13-2019 at 02:13 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #7209
    Ok, wow, lots of good advice. I guess it boils down to: stop being a cheapass

    Edit: Well, I decided to see if I could use the advice but still cheapass it and not upgrade with ampies (at first) and...

    It worked

    Team against mission 2:

    Team against mission 3:

    Just added the waifu to team one instead of Aizoon, mixed things up a little bit, and let Kerria carry. That solar blast team died instantly after getting off the blast, haha

    Last edited by durrem; 02-13-2019 at 11:57 PM.

  10. #7210
    Maotd: Got final pest down to about last 15%-ish before dying, so definitely made some progress. I think I can do it with a bit team adjusting. Speed was an issue, crit team always going in 2nd or 3rd instead of last as intended. Might modify the promo. abilities to increase speed or crit dmg., stuff like that to tweak it a bit.

    Durrem: Gratz! Nice teams you got there. Coin wise, you actually save a lot of $ lvl'ing up your girls with amuples if done right way. After all, it costs I think 2.4M coins for all 3 max amuples, thus now my coins prev. was @ like 13M, now only 4M, damn that went down fast lolz.

    DMM ID: 838832909

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