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  1. #11
    The strategy I often recommend to others is to run a setup of RR that has def buffs, dmg buffs, skill activation, and enough crit to cap RR. With RR running hp drain memory, she can just eat as much damage as she wants and heal it back full. The other 4 memories may simply be dedicated to buffing RR like skill/boss dmg memory for all/or magic or crit ones.

    This way, that party alone should be capable of taking out of the first two nodes to minimize the loss and leave everything else for the end boss as it has a bigger dps requirement. Often times I see people throwing all they got at Sparaxis and have them melted in a turn and end up not having anything left for end node, so may as well just run something super tanky that can heal against Sparaxis. Kerria clones can pull off the same thing, same strategy applies at Scene 3.

    Similar concept to maotd, just with a heavy nuker instead.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 02-16-2020 at 08:36 AM.

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