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  1. #11
    If you're referring to the 10 days login attached to the top right corner if your login days, then those are part of the monthly login campaign. For instance, the one that just ended was for 61st month of the game running. Once March comes, there will be another one celebrating 62nd month of the game, etc etc.

    The other login banner going on was for 5th anni. We had a pre-anni campaign, campaign during anni, as well as one after during Valentine's which was also to celebrate 5th anni.

    These special ones aren't as common, but devs generally find some way or another to drop them in.
    There should definitely be a login campaign to celebrate Spring during next month though, as well as a campaign which is a part of "Doll Festival" which is next event's theme based in their calendar.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 02-17-2020 at 02:46 PM.

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