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  1. #11
    Previous event FM was 2% DMG buff per turn, up to 8%.. which is pretty much worthless.
    As for the speed memory, they're generally used for farming purpose on easier maps so the spd->atk buff is worthless anyways.
    Just random example of speed pt usage from event stage last month

    Can come in handy if we get another map like Acacia EX Destruction where you have to chase down enemies.
    50 speed is also around the range where a party can overtake another, like my example of needing to use 3 +20's, where as a single +50 memory will do the job now. vs


    As for RG candidates, there hasn't been too many interesting new ones aside a couple gimmicky girls. Previously mentioned RG candidates are still as good today, there's also a handful of new crit counter girls to select from in case you did not like the ones in the past. Below are my highlights in unique RGs.

    • Larkspur: Pretty obvious for being the first RG girl to provide 3 different weakness, but she lacks in everything else and has speed boost that make be difficult to work with.
    • Giant Arrowhead: For her unique weakness slash+magic weakness, which can be very useful at Laeva, Scene 3, and other boss where you might want these weakness for your counter setup.
    • Avens: An improvement to turn based setups, as not only she provide atk+dmg buffs but def as well to increase your survival.
    • Japanese Madder: Evasion+ Def/Guts + Supercounter, the first one we have in the game. Previously it was assumed they did not want to add supercounter to evades because we seen how overpowered Saffron can be in scenarios that suited her. She even has skill act! The only negative point is her base def value is much lower than other counter girls so it's balanced out.

    Miss and Skill act debuff appears to be more useful nowadays with the introduction of enemies with absurd buffs where boss casting skills are much more deadlier than regular attack. Having bosses with innate reduced accuracy in the recent Nushi's also seem to be another meta they seem to be pushing, but I'd wait a bit to see if they want to continue this trend before investing.


    As for next week's rainbow medal girl (Rabbit's Foot/モンヨウショウ), she appears to be an valuable choice if anyone wish to invest in turn based setups.

    Also a reminder that you can use skip tickets at Flower Memory maps now.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 04-14-2020 at 08:42 PM.

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