Thanks unknown for the answer. I hope it's more the second theory. I'm a bit afraid of new monetization system. it didn't turned well last time. But I won't complain. Free girls pulls are great for bonus R-medals. And free memories are even better. I got a lot of maxed 5* memories (especially the blue skill damages one).

The current reissue has a decent FM for evasion Knights too (Taunt and +5% evasion at level 50 along with 3359/720/299 HP/attack/defense).
It's the best event FM and one of the best 5* FM at all imho. I guess I'll use my FM gold bloom to max two of them.
That's sad they stopped the event FM concept. Maybe it was too much as it was but something like 2 event girls/1 event FM or 3 event girls/1 event FM would be nice.

And speaking of nice things, the new rebalance gave us good things this time. Cactus got some useful toys with Pursuit and more ATK buffs, Valentine Onci got a better 1.28~1.36 skill act buff and Adenium is very good now with x2 skill act for herself after being attacked.