I said that I'd post the event script once the translations were done, so here they are: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki..._Confrontation. All credit goes to DragonSword.

• Who was your favorite new 6*?
Lewisia, Water Poppy, Konagi, and Blackberry were all really good looking. For favorite, I think I'd go with Lewisia because I have a thing for short hair.

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
Touch-Me-Not, no question. She's gorgeous.

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
I think I'll also go with Hemlock. When she was first previewed on-stream, I expected her to be the gacha 5* and was prepared to fork over 250oo FG to get her if necessary. Luckily, I didn't have to. XD

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Canola (Young Knight of Hope). It was the first new artwork from Moritan since the blooms for Lily R and Star Lily got added, and I think she looked fantastic. Coral Flower (June Bride) and Tritonia (Xmas) were very nice too.

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?
I don't really pay attention to abilities that much. I know Star Lily got reworked at some point, so I'll go with her I guess.

• What was your favorite event?
The side poll winners event, just because of Canola v2.

• What was your favorite new feature?
I can't think of much that was added this year... Daily roulette was nice, since the ludicrous number of tickets we get from it made salt pacts pretty entertaining.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
Pretty much everything they did from January until April or May when they gave us the apology 6* pick tickets. The RM shop nerf, the exclusive and limited RM units, the event FMs replacing event knights (the only thing I like about FMs is the art, and the event FM "art" was just lazy screenshots of SDs). It was certainly the closest I've come to quitting DMM FKG, and I honestly might have if Canola hadn't won in January poll.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
Moritan drawing new knights or alt versions of existing knights (especially Lily R). Canola v2 proved that they were still alive and willing to draw for FKG, so I have hope.

• Anything else?
Reality is an illusion, the universe isn't real, buy gold, bye!