Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
Title: Flower knight karutaNazuna: Since it is New Year's and we're all gathered like this, why don't we play with my handmade flower knight karuta set?Cepha Lanthera: Sounds great!Nazuna: Let's start then! "Lantana is full of energy".Canola: HERE!! <swipes><Cepha Lanthera & Di Yu: Here!><Saint Paulia: Oh my~>Nazuna: Next one! "Russelia loves travelling".Di Yu: Hm...? Truly, we had that one just now...?1Nazuna: We did! There are overlapping letters in this pack! I made one for every flower knight after all!<Nazuna: Since it doesn't run out after being called once, the rest is prepared over here.>Canola: How many days do you want us to keep playing!?1 Russelia (RAsseria) and Lantana (RAntana) begin with the same letter in Japanese
Di Yu is da most popular 4* chick amrite?