• Who was your favorite new 6*?
If I had to pick any, I'd say Tampala. She ties in to the lore in an interesting way, inheriting the name of Kenzan the legendary mechanic (responsible, for example, for the Mechanical Castle).

• Who was your favorite new 5*?
I'd say Red Cat's Tail. She's got a really interesting speech pattern, nicely tying her into being modeled after the Cheshire Cat.

• Who was your favorite new event 5*?
I think it would be Anisodontea. Though I usually don't like the ones showing over-the-top respect for other flower knights, she is by far the most memorable for her design that year.

• Who was your favorite alternative version of a previous girl?
Picking out one of them, I'll go for Dipladenia (Valentine). I always liked her for a bit darker backstory and her mental growth from being with the Commander.

• Who was your favorite reworked girl?
It's hard to get the list of reworked characters right now, so I'll just agree on 6* Alstroemeria. It's a positive change for her, making her a decent 6* easily accessible to the players.

• What was your favorite event?
Storywise, I'd pick the "Island of Wavering Recollection", where we get a peek into Kuko and Henna's past and discover they're actually ones of the oldest flower knights.

• What was your favorite new feature?
I'm not sure if it was in 2020, but the alternative main screen layout looks better for me and I'm using it by default.
The animated scenes are also a nice touch, though I only have one girl with that for now.

• What was your most disliked new feature?
Normally, I'd say "new girls unavailable in the normal gacha", but we already had a few locked away by codes, so time-limited ones aren't anything new from my point of view. The decision to exclude the new 6* units from the rainbow medal shop takes the spot.

• What do you really want to see in the game for 2021?
However unlikely, for contractual reasons, it may seem, I'd welcome creating real flower knights instead of the "Otherworldly" ones left over from the Slime anime crossover event.

• Anything else?
I'm happy to see FKG getting the 1st place in the game popularity statistics in DMM, as personally I can't find a better game there from the ones being announced as newly released.