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  1. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Totally yes. That's the cheapest way to get 6*. It also gives a lot of Rainbow Shards for 6* promotion.
    As I said, Snow Drop New Year may be the best choice here since she is not in the regular gacha. She may not be the best but she is the rarest.
    Yeah, sadly my luck has been pretty mediocre in recent summons, instead of getting 6* units I keep getting 6* flower memories, I don't know if getting 6* flower memories will be something big but so far they give very small stat boost and weak ability.

    Just want to ask your opinion about another unit, in my friendlist there's some high level players with Pavonia as their helper and so far I feel like their helpers are the strongest because she deals a lot of damage, whatever she's gonna hit will melt, I feel like she's kinda broken ?

    I read her kit and she looks like a very selfish DPS, but this level of selfish-ness seems good ?

    And Corbett (Colvette) too:

    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-05-2023 at 12:07 AM.

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