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  1. #1
    Actually, "how to beat this new daily stage" is an interesting question. It's really easy because I use broken Adlay and the final boss can't even scratch me but I quickly tried other stuff and it's not as easy as it seems.
    I saw a lot of Adlay from some Youtube videos of Japanese players, I guess she's just that broken, her, Corbett and Pavonia are 3 units I see a lot from them.

    Guess she'll be my must have unit in the near future.

    This stage is really hard I think, my Debrobium team managed to kill some mobs, but nowhere strong enough to kill the final boss, maybe it's possible if I find something really broken like broken flower memories or broken 5* units.

  2. #2

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    Adlay is that broken. She is the best healer and the best defensive unit. I don't have Corbett but she is on my wish list. Zinnia is way too broken too. But more useful on longer fights.
    The main issue with Adlay is that she was a limited gacha girl. She is not included in the regular pool and her re-gacha already occured months ago. Who knows when she will came back. But certainly not before some months. And that's a real problem.

    I don't think there is memories broken enough to beat the boss. And I'm pretty sure no 5* can help here (unless they are promoted to 6* but there is still only few of them). Even most regular 6* can't help at all. 6* equipment with Winter Rose Garden typing could help a bit. But promoting an equipment to 6* level cost a lot of Aqua Crystals. And I'm not sure the bonus is that good.
    Anyway, this stage will last for less than two weeks and another will take is place, certainly with different pests typing and maybe with different mechanics. I'm not even sure tryhard this is worth the effort beside the satisfaction of beating it.
    It's clearly engame level.

    Okay, Adlay is even more broken that I thought.
    Anyway, Intercept team with Golden Lace works perfectly. The boss can't kill you if it can't hit you. She is "easily" available with 6* tickets or 300 R-medals. That's a high price for new players for sure. Hopefully, it works with Kerria and the previous event girl is a good Intercept unit after 6* promotion (only after 6* promotion. Before she is trash tier for what you need here).
    I think with Golden Lace, Kerria and Crinum (+ support girls for retains HP, crit & atk buff or any kind of negate damages) may do something. I'll try it.

    Usagigoke (Swimsuit) is extremly good too. The "Special Evade" each 4 turns helps a lot but she is not available in the R-medal shop.

    I tried and I've done it with that team:
    The hardest part is getting Golden Lace.
    It took forever but it worked well. Kerria is full ampule, full high ampule and level 120. I think it makes a huge difference compared to a regular lvl80 Kerria. If you have other Evade/Intercept girls to use instead of Red Ginger, it's good.
    With that team you needs two things.
    - A way to clear the other path. You can use Angelica Swimsuit instead of Kugaisou with Dendrobium. I she can reach the boss, you've done half the job.
    - Something to weaken the first Ant trio as muc as possible for Kerria's team. They can win but the ants hit hard and even with defend, healing and evade, I had to use guts a lot. You don't want it and you want to clear this as fast as possible.

    Note that all of this is only possible with Golden Lace and Crinum. You need her Miss debuff and you need Crinum healing. A lot.

    I promoted Crinum just for that test. That's what I call dedication to team build reseach. But she is a great addition to my Intercept teams. Maybe as good as Juneberry actually.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-12-2023 at 10:48 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #3
    Thanks for testing, I think for now I'll let it go because I don't really have enough resource to make any lv120 unit atm (no rainbow Centy) and I'm still far away from getting Golden Lace from the last 6* ticket, as a new player I think my next goal is to get as many broken units as possible, and pick the best temporary 5*s then evolve them to 6* to make a decent 2nd team comp, currently my Debrobium comp is like 10x stronger than my 2nd team so I need to improve my 2nd team too just in case challenge maps like this 800k one that require 2 strong teams to be able to full clear.

    And that 4* Rainbow Pot flower memory seems really good, I will probably try to max out some of mine.

  4. #4

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    Good luck for building your team. A good source of R-medals (for Centies and old 6*) is Danchou Tickets. You can get them with luck on gogo daily roulette, for 100 D-medals in the shop or after the 3rd and 7th roll on event gachas. The 3rd gacha D-ticket is the easier to get. It may be wise to look for extra ressources in the gacha (Danchou tickets, Rainbow shards, etc.) more than actual 6* from this gacha.

    Take your time to build a second, third and fourth team. Getting to the end too fast is not fun :/
    I still recommand one evade+intercept team somewhere. It makes really long fights but nothing can beat it (as long as it don't have accuracy buff or way too much HP).

    Rainbow Pot memory is better than most of 5* memories for long fights or for Castle. It's really easy to get, to max and gives a nice +75% ATK for all with five of them fully unlocked.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Good luck for building your team. A good source of R-medals (for Centies and old 6*) is Danchou Tickets. You can get them with luck on gogo daily roulette, for 100 D-medals in the shop or after the 3rd and 7th roll on event gachas. The 3rd gacha D-ticket is the easier to get. It may be wise to look for extra ressources in the gacha (Danchou tickets, Rainbow shards, etc.) more than actual 6* from this gacha.

    Take your time to build a second, third and fourth team. Getting to the end too fast is not fun :/
    I still recommand one evade+intercept team somewhere. It makes really long fights but nothing can beat it (as long as it don't have accuracy buff or way too much HP).

    Rainbow Pot memory is better than most of 5* memories for long fights or for Castle. It's really easy to get, to max and gives a nice +75% ATK for all with five of them fully unlocked.
    I'm think about a good 5* for Golden Lace's replacement, currently I found this gem:
    Somehow, she looks really good to me with 60% Hit Down, 80% Shield, Skill Activation and Crit Buff ?

    And Water Speedwell (for Atk Down):
    So for a good intercept comp, do I need to ensure that my support units need to be alive or do I just need to care about my main attacker ? I think I do then I definitely need to improve this team with a healer, probably the last event girl will be the 3rd. So this is my draft team:

    - Kerria
    - Water Speedwell (can max her out easily)
    - Jack in the Pulpit
    - Crinium
    - Blank slot (need someone in this slot, probably a DPS like Ume or a support like Swimsuit Angelica ?)

    I think I do need more Atk Down to survive, currently this comp give only 30% Atk Down, a Swimsuit Angelica push it up to 50%
    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-13-2023 at 02:50 AM.

  6. #6

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    Jack in the Pulpit may be interesting. I don't know if it will be enough but it may works. Water Speedwell may be useful too but you will hit hard the Hit rate debuff limit (caped at -70%). Not a bad debuff though. May worth the RG.
    All the good ATK debuff are pure 6* sadly. I think you won't find promoted 5* with more than -30% ATK.
    You may need some healing too. Or even better, a third evade girl (+ intercept). Vanda is interesrting if you can put your hand on her.
    Sadly, most of the old 5* are bad due to not being reworked to fit the new game style. Most of the evade 5* still have that poor 80% evade first two turns and then 50%.

    If you could gives a list of your 6* and 5*, it may help. Sometimes, there are hidden gems. Meh girls that really shines in a very specific combinaison.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Jack in the Pulpit may be interesting. I don't know if it will be enough but it may works. Water Speedwell may be useful too but you will hit hard the Hit rate debuff limit (caped at -70%). Not a bad debuff though. May worth the RG.
    All the good ATK debuff are pure 6* sadly. I think you won't find promoted 5* with more than -30% ATK.
    You may need some healing too. Or even better, a third evade girl (+ intercept). Vanda is interesrting if you can put your hand on her.
    Sadly, most of the old 5* are bad due to not being reworked to fit the new game style. Most of the evade 5* still have that poor 80% evade first two turns and then 50%.

    If you could gives a list of your 6* and 5*, it may help. Sometimes, there are hidden gems. Meh girls that really shines in a very specific combinaison.
    Yeah, I'll post my list after rolling 1 more time, currently my list doesn't have anything worth noticing, really need to pull gacha to get the next power spike.

    I just want to ask another question about daily activities, assuming that I've already cleared all story missions, extra maps, what should I do daily to get the most out of my stamina (and raid point) ?

    And somehow people always kill raid boss so fast, I couldn't even get the most out of rare bosses because people just kill them before I can attack.

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