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  1. #10041
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    She seems pretty decent. Not perfect but she has usable stuff. The 3 negate damages turn 1 is interesting. There is enemies with huge damages turn 1. I guess she can be a nice offensive-support. Not a bad one. Mixed girls are an interesting category. Hard to use but they can bring some interesting ability easily and change how a team work.

    For the ampules, I don't know. If you're not sure, you can just level up and use ampules on her later. It's not a limited ressource and you can get them easily in many ways. You will have more than you can use at some point. If you don't know, you can use amplues/high ampules even on a max level girl. It will just be extra expensive but who's care? You will get more gold than you could ever use anyway.
    I like to keep ressources for when it's worth. It help sometimes but I keep a huge pile of unused stuff that will maybe stay forever.
    Or you could use everthing right now and maybe regret it later when you really want it but don't have it anymore.
    I see, at first I thought her turn 1 x3 Negate Damages was a bit disappointing because it's so situational, but it still has its use I guess. One good thing about her is that she doesn't rely on crit, which is something I really need to counter anti-crit debuff bosses.

    Yeah, I read a few comments about min-maxing for new players and I found that using ampules on lv1 girls will save me some money but to think about that, those comments were from years ago, and the game changed a lot since then. About ampules, I was a bit careful because I did a few training runs for ampule and I usually get 3x gold ampules per run, I think that amount per run is pretty low and stamina costly, my gacha 6th sense tells me to min-max the usage them, at least for my early stage.

  2. #10042

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    You can get up to 7 ampule of one type on the world exploration and 6 exploration per day. With enough luck it's almost one set of each ampule per week. With all the others source of ampule, it's easy to get them. Same for gold. It's 150k free each day plus all the other incomes. I'm pretty sure you can get them back before your next 6* (onay mabe not if you're doing the 30FG gacha).
    At the begining, it's hard because you have a lot of girls/equipmement/memories to level up. But soon the amount of things to level up will decrease and gold will increase (more stamina, more missions, more gold). Same for ampules. You got way more ampule that rainbows (unless you're super lucky or you're whaleing).

    Back in the good old days, there was a lot of daily missions. Some of them where "gives level up stuff 4 to girls 4 times", "gives 4 gifts", "roll the regular 2*~4* gacha 10 times", etc. It's gone a long time ago but I still stick (somehow) to this. I limit my gifts/level up/ect each day, unless I'm aiming a precise rainbow for example. It take more time to build girls but it help a lot to save ressources. With years of this I'm now swiming in gold/leveling spirits/ampules/gifts/ect.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #10043
    I've managed to half-clear this 850.000 map and I'm content now, I know it's not a full clear but this is my first true endgame clear and I'll comeback again once I get Honeysuckle free and Spring Star free, the left way is really hard with tanky angels and I couldn't break through (managed to kill 2, 1 left), but the top way is pretty easy.

    I've know realized how strong Atk debuff can be in this game so I prob will collect more Atk Debuff units for future endgame.

    RIP 13.000 stamina pots I guess, insane dedication: https://i.imgur.com/y0qDbpG.png

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-1gvqvgz.png
    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-28-2023 at 02:40 AM.

  4. #10044

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    It's a special fun stage. It'll exipire in 8 days 19 hours and will never came back. It may have an easier and harder versions availables later for ever.
    You still have time to get Honeysuckle School though. I found the back way easier than the top way. Honeysuckle can be a huge pain (and that the perfect case of negate damages turn 1 being useful).
    Anyway, congrats for at least clearing it. That's nice
    Fun fact, the stage cost no stamina and gives ~3300 gold and some regular gacha seeds. With auto-run, it's free gold source. Not game changing but that's still cool.
    ATK debuff is almost mandatory late game. And even with -70% ATK you take huge chuncks of damages.

    Well. There is crazy people about popularity poll. I prefer using them for farming usefull ressources or exp when there is a huge bonus. Even if leveling spirits key stages are better for this.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #10045
    I'm curious, is it only me or the Infinite Castle got a lot easier after Floor 80 ? And I think 100 was as tough as 80, but further levels were pretty smooth sailing for me. But I'm so glad I cleared floor 80 and then climbed up to 130 for the good 6* FM (my goal and unexpectedly I somehow climbed from 80 to 130 in one go)

    From my experience in the game I used to play, the devs actually did something like this too, they tuned newer contents easier than old contents. But I expect higher floors will require something really OP like Corbett or Pavonia + Adlay to clear, but not now I guess. Honestly I really like this mode.

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-xnjrxsk.png
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-rcamzsm.png
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-t4772sn.png
    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-28-2023 at 09:59 AM.

  6. #10046

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    Yep, Floor difficulty is not really consistent. I know there is still some hard ones but I don't really remember them. I just remember floor 50 and 80 because I had a hard time on them on the trial castle.
    Also, difficulty is really different between hard and normal if you try to get 10k point on each stage. Easy stages can turn into hell if you want to do it damageless.

    For what I experienced, Pavonia is sucks on the castle. Actually, I never cleared a harder stage with her. But maybe I just don't know how to use her (that's the same for Tampala. She is supposed to be really good but I never got anything good from her).
    For me, higher mode require Adlay & Zinnia + random utility girls. I hope something else work or it would be... meh.
    (Obvioulsy I'm speaking of Hard Castle wirth perfect score. Normal Castle is a lot easier and you can use more team variety. Hard Castle is just for extra challenge and personnal satisfaction. It don't gives any specific reward).

    I really like the Castle too. Fun and fast battles. I just regret Adlay & Zinnia being that good and almost required. Team building on lower level when they didn't exist was extremly fun. I still remember that damn floor with ultra high def/high ATK boss. I didn't have Aeonium and I couldn't use enough girls for both ATK and DEF debuff and for offense. And I came with hard ATK debuff and pursuit. Pursuit damages were not affected by defense and I had the easiest fight with boss and girls dealing 1 damage and a Sparaxis abusing the pursuit system.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #10047

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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    It's still before FKG anniversary so, I guess it's not too late. Time for the little end year (new year?) survey!
    All the survey cover from event 181 (2022 new year event) to event 206 (2022 christmas event).
    What was your favorite(s) totally new 5* (event and gacha since there is not that much new 5* anyway)?
    *Peace Lily
    Beautiful woman. Ironically also the only gold that is completely unobtainable, at least for me.

    What was your favorite(s) totally new 6* (gacha or R-medals shop or event)?
    Beautiful woman. Though I can't use her in battle cuz I don't have the units she's good with.

    What was your favorite(s) new alternative form? (5* or 6* but all are 6* I guess)
    *Sparaxis (Halloween)
    Beautiful woman.

    What was your favorite(s) event?
    *Event 206 - Praying for the Holy Night, and your Love
    It added the High&Low game. Would love to see other gambling games too, like Blackjack. I also like all the ladies added in this event, minus the event girl.

    What was your favorite(s) new features added in 2022?
    *The new stuff they've been adding to events (i.e. Test Your Strength for Raid Bosses, High&Low for Card Flip event, Pest Collecting, etc.)
    *All the Ancient stuff

    What do you wish as new features, changes or everything for 2023?
    *Ability Rework for old RGs
    *An English Version
    Just like last year. Would like some more incentive to RG some old units.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  8. #10048

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    Hi guys,

    Long Time no See
    I decided pick this Game Up again even though i initially thought i am done with the Game cause after the Ability Rework My Teams were really screwed up. So many Girls lost their Skill Multiplier x1,2 for example and in my opinion my Poor Maple Swimsuit got a bit screwed with this one

    Anyway i might have a few questions from time to time cause i don't know what the Metagame is now basically. I only know that Crit is not the Almightly Steamroll it once was. Problem is most of my Rainbows are about that Concept. The Ancient Knight are good i heared from maotd and others. Well i can only get Corbett for now soon i guess? Any idea guys how to build a Team around her? Maybe i should post in the New Tactica which Girls i have available atm.

    Anyway it's good to see this section is still active

    Here that's what i got from the 6th Step in the 8th Anniversary Step UP Gacha. Are these two any good???
    And one Roll with Salt Tickets but i have to many Attack Type Units anyway by now

    8th Anniversary Step Up Gacha
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-8th-anniversary-step-gacha.jpg

    10 Ticket Salt Roll 28.01.2023
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-salt-ticket-roll-28.01.2023.jpg

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #10049

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Hi guys,

    Here that's what i got from the 6th Step in the 8th Anniversary Step UP Gacha. Are these two any good???
    Cotton (the white haired one) gives the entire squad 2x skill proc the turn after anyone is hit, 1x damage negation, 20% skill drain up to 50% max HP per skill proc, +50% defense, 2x guaranteed chance to survive a fatal hit and +40% crit damage. She also grants one Attack-based ally up to +200% crit damage in chunks of 50%, with each chunk activating after the ally has dealt a critical hit five times.

    I don't remember who the other rainbow is, but I'm betting someone else does.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  10. #10050

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    At first glance, ability rework "killed" some girls in a certain way but actually, it's way better now. Girls are more specialized, a lot of play style is finally viable (Heal, Evasion or Debuff for example) and the Character type brings new strategy with certain girls. A lot of girls lost the x1.2 skill act but many got x1.28~1.36 skill act. They have to work more together instead of just being randomly thworn in the same team. Maple Swimsuit is no more the good crit for all she was but she became a strong attacker. She needs support to shine but with it, she can shine brighter.

    For me the current meta is almost Adlay+Zinnia supremacy. Adlay is the best healer/defensive girl around. Zinnia is the stupidiest support girl. She just pack every support you may want at top level. Her support is so strong that she became more offensive than ofensive girls after a few skills. Her only real weakness is her fragility, covered by Adlay. Corbett is something between heavy attack and heavy debuff based on the number of enemies. I don't have her yet but I'm sure she is as broken as her friends.
    Crit is no more almighty but it's still on the top. It was nerfed with the introduction of Crit rate debuff but got a rebuff with the introduction of that sweet "-50% damage on non-weak attack" and "-50% damages on non-crit attack". In other words, if you don't do weak or crit, even the strongest girl will do 1 dmg. You want crit as much as you can to cover the lack of weakness on certain girls. and you want Crit anyway to deal with the super high HP bosses.
    I'll cover Corbett a bit more on tactica. That's a good occasion to bring it to life.

    You got Muscari and Cotton. I think Cotton is okay. Not amazing but she has interesting stuff. Muscari, I think she has big boobs and hips. That's better than nothing I guess.

    Nice to see you around there again. Welcome back o/

    Myers> Thanks for not letting the survey die alone in the previous page >3
    Angraecum seens so perfect for Cattleya. I didn't pay much attention to her first and it was a mistake. I hope I could have another chance to get her in 2023.
    Peace Lily is a Comiket Girl. She will be available sooner or later with Bond Crystals.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-29-2023 at 01:57 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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