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  1. #10051

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Last year the power creep really set in and the ancient knights came.
    I want Cotton, she is really a great support girl. I am gonna get her on reprint. You should really build her up.
    Just pick a worthy attacker and build a support team around her to multiply her skills.
    Devs make maps to counter everything, but not all at once.
    So you gotta have flexibility on team builds.


    There is new rainbow equip that you need to build up too. Really helps.
    and dont forget about FMs.
    Last edited by phob; 01-29-2023 at 02:15 PM.

  2. #10052
    I just got my 2nd 6* Exchange Ticket, and assuming that I'll get Corbett in the near future I think a support girl for her will be needed ? Because from reading Corbett's kit I need her to survive at least 2 turns for her to transform, to survive 2 turns I think I can easily with my Thunberg Spirea (Chrismast), Swimsuit Angelica or Dusty Miller (Parallel Academy), I'm thinking about picking a debuff girl to debuff enemy attack and skill activation because having them activating their skill can be devastating for my backline (AoE skills wear my other supports down, that's basically my problem for the longest time), or do I want a really strong selfish-DPS to help me build a second nuke team without relying on Debrobium doing everything, someone who doesn't rely on crit to be good, a pure beatstick. And my other weakness is the lack of a really good skill activation support unit, someone who can dish out decent damage or having good survivability, most of my strong units don't have that ability to improve skill activation rate... I'm thinking about:

    - Ivy (New Year): Having 50% Atk Debuff and 50% skill activation debuff sounds tasty, she could fixes my weakest point that's protecting my support, I don't have enough shield to protect them like having Adlay, so debuffing could be my alternative path.
    - Golden Lace: 50% Atk Debuff and 50% Hit debuff looks very stable and it looks like she can be a tanker with her dodgy-ness.

    - Sparaxis: This girl tho, she looks somehow stronger than Debrobium for me or am I mad ? She only has 4 abilities, but all of them are high quality, especially 100% Act Again is something else. I don't know how strong she's when compares to powercreep attackers like Corbett, or Pavonia. From my point of view, she's strong but she's in the 6* exchange ticket so she must be dated at this point of the game ?
    - Corn Cockle: Just solid in my opinion, she doesn't need someone to give her crit rate because she got 100% already, x1.2 skill activation is a bit low for my liking tho, I would love x1.36.

    Currently I have no idea about what's a good support in this game.

    Would be great if I can find someone close to Adlay in the exchange shop, but I really doubt because I expect Adlay to be way above the rest.

    Because the list is huge so I couldn't catch all the good girls, I'm open to suggestion and that'll be wonderful for me to learn about other strong units and pick them with my future 6* tickets.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-29-2023 at 09:43 PM.

  3. #10053

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    If its defensive girls you seek as far as the older girls on the ticket go. I still use Golden Lace and Purslane pretty regularly.
    Id look to RG Aeonium too.
    Dont know when or how Adlay coming back and they are surely going to roll out more power creep for 2023.

  4. #10054
    Should I buy other items with my 440 points from the RT campaign or can I get more to point buy the tasty 6* exchange ticket later on ? I really want this ticket, has anyone managed to get it ? If I missed something really important in the RT campaign then that's so sad..

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-gqryv9s.png

    Edit: I just saw the kit of the new girl Bloss, looks like she has some healings, some buffs and a new skill Seed of Power of Wisdom (the effect gets stronger depend on the number of Blossom Hills character in the team). How do you think about her kit ?

    キャラクター▼開花(能力のみ)対応キャラクターを 追加
    開花(能力のみ)に対応したキャラクタ ーを追加いたしました。

    【対応キャラクターと、開花後のア リティ】



    ・敵全体に、敵が残り1体の場合4.7倍 2体の場合2.8倍、3体の場合2.2倍のダ ージを与える

    ・敵全体に、敵が残り1体の場合5倍、 2体の場合4倍、3体の場合2.2倍のダメ ジを与え、HPを大吸収する

    [5人][【参戦】]ターン開始時、【運命率】でそのタ ン中、攻撃力上昇:80%
    [5人]スキル発動率:それぞれの好感度に応 て最大1.2倍(誓い100%以上の時のみ1. 6倍)

    [ブロッサムヒル5人][【参戦】]自身を除くブロッサムヒルのキャラ ターが
    ・1人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 I】
    ・3人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 II】
    ・4人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 III】
    ・9人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 IV】
    ・14人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 V】
    ・19人以上の時、【知徳の力の種 VI】

    ※プッシュで詳細説明がポップアッ します。

    【知徳の力の種 I】

    【知徳の力の種 II】

    【知徳の力の種 III】

    【知徳の力の種 IV】

    ※戦闘スキル変更「舞い上がる薫風 フロス」
    敵全体に、敵が残り1体の場合4.7倍、2 体の場合2.8倍、3体の場合2.2倍のダメ ジを与える
    ※好感度が永遠の誓い以上の時、他 スキルと同様に、本スキル倍率も20% 昇する

    【知徳の力の種 V】

    【知徳の力の種 VI】
    ※戦闘スキル変更「果て無き繚乱の ーベラ」
    敵全体に、敵が残り1体の場合5倍、2 の場合4倍、3体の場合2.2倍のダメー を与え、HPを大吸収する
    ※好感度が永遠の誓い以上の時、他 スキルと同様に本スキル倍率も20%上 する

    I watched this video, thick shield (https://i.imgur.com/fAKRAwG.png): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8irSgCW-kQ | Source: https://dororon-fkg.blog.jp/archives/18673554.html

    I don't know if it worth summoning for her, I might as well if she can be a replacement for my non-existence Adlay.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 01-30-2023 at 09:35 AM.

  5. #10055

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    @Maotd, phob and Tomitain
    Thank you for the Warm Welcome back and for your input on Team Building
    It's good to see some of the Veterans still writing and regularly visiting here.

    Hmm new Rainbow Equipment? Where can i get this one???

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #10056

    Join Date
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    Hmm new Rainbow Equipment? Where can i get this one???
    Some girls' personnal equipment and all the event equipment since event 203 can be promoted to rainbow rarity. It needs Aqua Crystals, mainly crafted with 10 6*Aqua Fragment for 1 Aqua Crystal and very rarely obtained in certain missions. You need 20 Crystals to promote an event equipment and 100 for a personnal equipmement. 6* equipment gives stat bonus (+1% ATK & DEF for event ones and 20% HP, 5% ATK & 10% DEF for personnal ones). It also gives a "nation" bonus if the nation typing of the equipment fit with equiped girl nation. And this gives skill damage bonus against pests weak to that specific nation typing (I think, I haven't used it a lot).
    That's an interesting concept but it cost way too much ressources to be used over all your girls.

    Golden Lace is top notch choice for debuff. Fit really well in an intercept team. I love her since she was reworked.
    Sparaxis is a good one too. She falls on really high difficulty stuff but she has nice spots on the castle.
    Habranthus is this kind of do everything girl. I love her and she really deserve attention.
    Cowslip (Maid) is a good defensive girl with Retain HP and Negate damage. and skill act.
    Balsam was an awesome attack girl. She is not as good as she was in the past but I think she is still a good choice for offense.
    Cardamine Lyrata. Good and give x2 skill act for everyone each time she is attacked. She was good to focus attack on her and let the other do the job. Until pests started to deal enough damages to one shot her despite all her options. Still work of less offensive bosses.

    Cattleya is a monster as long as you can get Vervain or Chamomille. They are exclusive gacha girls and who nows when they will came back. I don't think Cattleya is the right choice now but you must keep her in a corner of your mind.

    About Adlay... no one is close too her. She is way above everything else and I don't even know if it's possible to get close to her with 5 girls.

    and about Twitter campain I don't know at all. Last time there was one campain, twitter banned me on the first like without reason (I'm not on twitter and I created an account for that campain). F*ck you blue bird.

    Wiki is a bit dead right now so, i'm not 100% sure about Bloss but she looks like Adlay on steroïds (at least for the retain HP part) as long as you limit yourself to Blossom Hill girls. Now, I can't wait for the other incarnations of the world flowers. She will work well with Spring Star school. And Corbett since Corbett come from Blossom Hill.
    She will be bad for castle though since it's impossible to bring 20 girls.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-30-2023 at 10:17 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #10057
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post

    Golden Lace is top notch choice for debuff. Fit really well in an intercept team. I love her since she was reworked.
    Sparaxis is a good one too. She falls on really high difficulty stuff but she has nice spots on the castle.
    Habranthus is this kind of do everything girl. I love her and she really deserve attention.
    Cowslip (Maid) is a good defensive girl with Retain HP and Negate damage. and skill act.
    Balsam was an awesome attack girl. She is not as good as she was in the past but I think she is still a good choice for offense.
    Cardamine Lyrata. Good and give x2 skill act for everyone each time she is attacked. She was good to focus attack on her and let the other do the job. Until pests started to deal enough damages to one shot her despite all her options. Still work of less offensive bosses.

    Cattleya is a monster as long as you can get Vervain or Chamomille. They are exclusive gacha girls and who nows when they will came back. I don't think Cattleya is the right choice now but you must keep her in a corner of your mind.

    About Adlay... no one is close too her. She is way above everything else and I don't even know if it's possible to get close to her with 5 girls.

    and about Twitter campain I don't know at all. Last time there was one campain, twitter banned me on the first like without reason (I'm not on twitter and I created an account for that campain). F*ck you blue bird.
    It looks like the wiki is broken, I can't check character page at all, only "Lua error: not enough memory.". I'm kind of a heavy-offensive player in past gachas I used to play, but I think this time I need to be real and pick a debuff girl to secure my future challenge fight for bonus materials, not like last event where I couldn't breakthrough the daily challenge map and missed some 6* materials which is kinda sad.

    Oh, about Adlay and Bloss it's quite disappointing for me, so I'll continue to save my FS and patiently wait. On the bright side I checked her character wiki and it doesn't look like she won't get a rerun in a long time, the date between 2 reruns is bearable.

    So from what I understand girls like Adlay, Zinnia, Corbett are limited units, no wonder why Bloss doesn't stand a chance, but now I understand the power of being limited gacha.

  8. #10058

    Join Date
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    Wiki is back!

    I'm waiting more info for Bloss but I'm not sure she is that disappointing. I thought the same for Zinnia first and she is a monster. BTW, Bloss is limited too. A lot of 6* are limited gacha girls actually and it don't mean they are strong. Being part of the ancient flowers IS the reason. And being the incarnation of World Flower (for Bloss) is a reason too.
    If you're not interested by Bloss, remember that there is a 30FG gacha running now.

    Since Bloss came for the first time, she will certainly became available again later this year. And all the ancient flowers may be back in one special gacha all at once someday.

    I thought something about Bloss. She is a bit weak for multi-path missions but excels in mono-path.
    When they say "19+ Blossom Hill girls" they don't mean "19+ rainbow Blossom Hill girls". Just make a full Blossom Hill's 6* team around Bloss and fill 3 back team with low * girls. Then, enjoy Bloss rampage. Her main feature is retain HP and HP over limit but she has a strong skill and 4 allies to buff her. More worth it than she looks.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-30-2023 at 12:41 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #10059

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by NBPEL View Post
    Should I buy other items with my 440 points from the RT campaign or can I get more to point buy the tasty 6* exchange ticket later on ? I really want this ticket, has anyone managed to get it ? If I missed something really important in the RT campaign then that's so sad..
    Yeah it's over now unfortunately. You could earn up to 300 pts per day and there was about 6-7 days for the campaign. So in total you could get 1800 or 2100 pts during the campaign.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  10. #10060
    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    Yeah it's over now unfortunately. You could earn up to 300 pts per day and there was about 6-7 days for the campaign. So in total you could get 1800 or 2100 pts during the campaign.
    I see, so I think I probably missed my point because I was too being too honest , the rule is to Like and Retweet Tweets with hashtag #花騎士8周年, and from what I've counted there's only total of 25 Tweets with that hashtag, so technically I can only earn up to maximum by 500 points, can I just un-Like and un-Retweet my old Tweets and Re-Like and Re-Retweet them to earn extra points or something else I could do I think ?

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