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  1. #24
    @Unregistered: Thanks, I'll check that later on, but my chance is pretty much 0%, good thing is that I only have about 3-4 units that I want to get from the 6* exchange ticket, sooner or later I'll be able to get them anyways, even from off-banner summons, my current priorities are Ivy (New Year) + Golden Lace + Sparaxis (somehow I really like her kit, it's simple and effective, I feel like she's better than my 2nd best DPS Cactus).

    I just got Ionocidium and judging from my current situation, my Kerria can't really protect my backline in rough fights and Ionocidium seems to be even more defensive, so she could be my answer for hard hitting mobs, as long as my backline can stay alive there's chance.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 02-01-2023 at 03:16 AM.

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