I see, I didn't know Adlay Valentine being limited
I think every girls featured in week2 gacha are limited gacha 6*. Or you can see the recent changes on the wiki's homepage right side: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki...ght_Girl_Wikia. Or even check the regular gacha pool to see if a girl is in it or not.

I found Adlay Valentine too selfish too. 100% retain HP should be for 5 and not for self. And Absorb HP on her makes no sense for sure.
Anyway, I think no Ancient Flower alternative version will be close to their regular version. Maybe Bamboo could because regular Bamboo is meh.

No unit will change Valentine Adlay 100% retain HP. If an ability could increase the remain HP given by another unit, it will affect every units. Including regular Adlay. And Bloss but devs would be crazy to give a such broken ability to a Blossom Hill Girl.
Low HP unit close to Ancient Flower level is more plausible.

I think there is an interesting game style behind this low HP thing but it seems devs are a bit afraid to push it farer.

I didn't know Corbett was out right now. Good to know. And congrats for the 3 rainbows. Corbett and Bluet are awesome. Isogiku is nice I guess. But it would be better to get her Easter form.

And the 5* is Soapwort New Year. Pretty easy to get and good once promoted to 6* (I used her a lot in the past). There is also a natural 6* version, not bad at all.