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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    NBPEL> I just realized that Bluet (Rising Star) works pretty well with Knotweed and a evade/miss team. She don't have regular evade herself but her 100% retain HP and two special evade are great and let her survive enough to give all her buff. Works even better with Usagigoke Swimsuit for the extra special evade, extra retain HP and extra intercept.
    You may want to try it.
    Great idea, I'll try to improve my Knotweed team later, currently I kinda need Bluet for my Corbett team because other girls aren't that good as buffing Corbett.

    Also I'm a bit curious about Solar team, yeah I read a Japanese blog article and they said Solar girls are very good and I was surprised because I thought they're meme tier at best, are Solar units really that good or did they trick me ?

  2. #2

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    Solar team is good but needs way too much efforts. For the best result you need at least 5 maxed The Solar Blade memory, Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) and the whole team lvl 120, full high ampule and 300% affection. Without this, damages are quickly underwhelming. Even if it works well, don't expect to kill the hardest bosses in one solar blast.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Solar team is good but needs way too much efforts. For the best result you need at least 5 maxed The Solar Blade memory, Cyclamen (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) and the whole team lvl 120, full high ampule and 300% affection. Without this, damages are quickly underwhelming. Even if it works well, don't expect to kill the hardest bosses in one solar blast.
    I see, then this team require me to be a long time player even close to day 1 player to collect that amount of gacha FMs.

    I recently read this article about Angraecum, it's not just about this new unit but it's about the mechanic, in this https://www.youtube.com/embed/RJ0tVc...feature=oembed and this video https://www.youtube.com/embed/27HQQl...feature=oembed they output some kind of pink damage with MAGIC prefix which is the first time I've seen this type of damage, and they seem to deal a lot of damage too, I'm interested but the team is quite limited with Roman Chamomile and Adlay too, I don't know if it worth summoning for Angraecum to try out this team later, pretty much an unforeseen future with high risk of not being able to achieve my goal.

  4. #4

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    For solar FM I would say be super lucky or pay rather than play for long enough (FM are not that old). Or be smart and only unlock them with FM flower than fusing multiple copies.
    Resort town, Plátano works too and it's easier to get 25 of them but the bonus is not the same (if you don't know, only 5% solar bonus makes big difference due tu the way it's calculated)

    About the pink magic damages, it's a ability shared only by Vervain and Chamomile. It disable crit but change the way skill damage bonus is calculated by making them multiplicative (like Solar bonus damages) instead of additive. Works insanely well with Cattelya and her great skill damages bonuses. Theyre were the best damaging source before Ancient Flowers and before combo hit spaming. Btw they are still the cheating answer on certain tricky castle floors.
    Angraecum is just built for that kind of team. Stupidly powerful. Her only downside is her bonus targeting 3 magic allies, making really hard to use girls like Adlay, Bluet (Rising Star of the Sparkling Fairyland) or Hinoki School. You can use them but you won't have all the bonus on Cattleya.
    I wanted to try Cat cymbidium more but I guess it will just be Angraecum.
    There is still possibilities without Cattleya though (thanks to the article) but not without Vervain/Chamomile. Worth it girl.

    And the new Persian Speedwell sounds good to use with Dendrobium (or any good Blue offensive girl like Honeysuckle for example). Especially if you manage to give her all attributes.
    Last edited by maotd; 03-06-2023 at 02:10 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #5
    Persian Speedwell looks pretty good, I think it's time for me to upgrade my Debrobium team, I think this team is falling behind compare to my Knotweed and Corbett team, current team:

    Honeysuckle Parallel

    I must be doing something wrong with this team because atm they aren't doing anything worthy, just Knotweed + Corbett vs world, and they team barely do any damage in the EX map of current event, they just do about 2/10 HP of mobs and then die despite being a turn 1 team too.

  6. #6

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    Dendrobium will slowly fall, that normal. She handle 80% of the game by herself but is not good enough for the hardest 20%. Poor lady is too old now.

    Your Dendrobium team is not agressive enough. Honeysuckle deserve her own team. I tried both of them too but it just don't work. It's better to have one main and 4 support.
    Ash is not good too. She just bring Slash and Magic attribute and somehow -30% Def. You don't care about def and guts for turn 1 team anyway. I'd say she is not worth the slot.
    Colchicum is OK. Ume too I guess. Her Crit buff is welcome.
    Persian Speedwell will be a good choice.

    Here is mine for Ex event map:

    Btw, Spring Start and Cattleya are just School versions with alternative outfit. Kugaisou was here for the previous daily Ex event map to hit both Hit and Pierce.
    Cattleya is nice but not optimal for turn 1 team though.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #7
    Yeah, sadly I run out of support girls, I gotta wait for my next summon I guess and revamp my Debrobium team or just retire Debrobium and use Honeysuckle instead. I do think I have now realized what I need for my future supports:

    - Pierce Attribute, I dunno but I feel like this attribute buff is very rare, I have a lot of other Slash Blunt Magic but I don't have a single one for Pierce, not even a FM.
    - Hinoki if possible, I think she's probably the current second or best support of the game, she just works and gives easy buffs. No wonder why she got SS rank as support, Pierce + 200%+ atk buff is too good to not have: https://dororon-fkg.blog.jp/archives/18670568.html

    I guess 1 single Common Zinnia will solve most of my support problems.

    So far I now have 2 strong teams, 3rd team is so-so, and 4th team is kinda just there.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 03-08-2023 at 07:23 AM.

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