So Vervain, a limited unit just made a comeback, and both her and Angraecum give Magic pink damage, from my point of view I think Angraecum is better right ? I hope I'm wrong because I kinda want to get Vervain

And this new unit Sigillaria looks like the best debuffer ever, she alone can bring hell to the enemies, she looks really good too and she's another limited unit god damn.

That's the problem, so many limited units and summoning is also very expensive, I think I can only afford to summon 1 banner, and I still need to save my FS for Zinnia and Adlay.

The question is Vervain vs Sigillaria, who is the more useful unit ?

Also, I just got Tall_Stewartia_(Christmas), she looks okay, okay-ish or am I wrong because I saw her quite a few times in videos of Japanese players, I guess I do underrated her ?