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  1. #10141

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Wheat? Isn't it Rye? Wheat is that blue girl with Crit turn 1 (good one with Dendrobium though).

    I don't really see Sigilaria as badass Aeonium. Just as a package of all the max debuff at once. I have enough gems to go through her gacha but I hope I won't have to. But unless we got some free gems (or if there is Bunny St Paulia), no easter for me too I guess. I need to keep gems for next 30FG gacha and for golden week reroll.
    Yeah I meant Rye. I guess they both make beer
    Mainly I will use Sigilaria in place of Aeonium when the need arises. Poor Aeonium, days are numbered

  2. #10142
    Yeah, Sigillaria literally caps all debuffs which is kinda insane, her only can cover all debuffs. Being able to cap 70% Def Down is really really good, a huge DPS boost and this is another damage boost source.

    I do think she's at Ancient Knights' level, with her in my team, I just need to run her and the rest I can use buffers, attackers, even defenders..., could be me only and I'm new so I may not yet understand the value of debuff vs buff vs DPS vs tankiness in endgame. Ancient Knights excel at their job, Adlay best defensive, Zinna best buff, Corbett best DPS, Bamboo best defensive, but provides less offensive than Adlay I guess?

    This is hell:

    I found some showcase videos of her:


    I think she'll improve my Knotweed Valentine team by a lot, literally allows me to remove Swimsuit Angelica+Golden Lace with potential more offensive units. That's something I want to improve.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 03-15-2023 at 10:55 PM.

  3. #10143

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    Sigilaria is turn and skill act based while Aeonium is not. I think poor Aeonium still have chances to shine. Not in every single battle but she won't be forever benched like some others.

    I do think she's at Ancient Knights' level, with her in my team, I just need to run her and the rest I can use buffers, attackers, even defenders..., could be me only and I'm new so I may not yet understand the value of debuff vs buff vs DPS vs tankiness in endgame.
    I think it heavily depends on what you're facing and what is your team purpose. Debuff is good but kinda useless if enemies have buffs to counter that (like +100% attack on a high attack stat or +100% precision). As far as I know, debuff only affect raw stats and not stat after buff application. Buff are good if you have a good someone to recieve them. DPS works only if you can survive to deal damages and tankiness is useless if you don't have DPS behind.
    I think there is not an ultimate team to win everything. I think engame is more about balancing and playing around bosses weaknesses (not type weakness but game style weakness).
    And I think Bamboo excels at being meh.

    Speaking of Knotweed valentine, you may want Sedul Easter. She will be available on the 30FS easter gacha. She may worth her 150 gems.

    edit: I just noticed that Sigilaria has the lowest ATK stat of all 6* with only 4407 max (without centies and ampule), folowed by Bamboo's 5036. It's even below the weakest 5* ATK (Showy Baby's Breath with 4466) and only 3 points above the second best 2* (Salvia with 4404 ATK).
    Last edited by maotd; 03-16-2023 at 12:58 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  4. #10144
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Sigilaria is turn and skill act based while Aeonium is not. I think poor Aeonium still have chances to shine. Not in every single battle but she won't be forever benched like some others.

    I think it heavily depends on what you're facing and what is your team purpose. Debuff is good but kinda useless if enemies have buffs to counter that (like +100% attack on a high attack stat or +100% precision). As far as I know, debuff only affect raw stats and not stat after buff application. Buff are good if you have a good someone to recieve them. DPS works only if you can survive to deal damages and tankiness is useless if you don't have DPS behind.
    I think there is not an ultimate team to win everything. I think engame is more about balancing and playing around bosses weaknesses (not type weakness but game style weakness).
    And I think Bamboo excels at being meh.

    Speaking of Knotweed valentine, you may want Sedul Easter. She will be available on the 30FS easter gacha. She may worth her 150 gems.

    edit: I just noticed that Sigilaria has the lowest ATK stat of all 6* with only 4407 max (without centies and ampule), folowed by Bamboo's 5036. It's even below the weakest 5* ATK (Showy Baby's Breath with 4466) and only 3 points above the second best 2* (Salvia with 4404 ATK).
    I summoned for her because she looks so future proof, just it was another sad another bloody summon session and I'm almost out of FS atm, another 11x without getting anything useful sadly, I'll need to be careful from now on if I want to get enough summon currency for Red Flower Lily School, Swimsuit Usagigoke, Hinoki School and Zinnia + Adlay.

    And not to mention Sigilaria can stun lock a target, that ability is pretty OP: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tXXHSLLalOI

    But well, I don't think I have enough buffers to make Sigilaria good atm, in my team she barely uses any skill so no summon debuff mechanic, it's probably ideal to give her high Act Again and high skill activation rate, as long as she can do x2 skills per turn, after that things get a lot easier because she gives the whole team 1.5x skill activation rate, but that's something I don't have enough.

    From my POV best Sigilaria comp will look like this:
    - Turn 1 Sigilaria x1 skill -> Act Again -> x1 skill
    - Rest easy.

    I think her build is pretty much the same as Zinna, just give them skill activation rate and act again.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 03-16-2023 at 07:33 AM.

  5. #10145
    I have a question about the World's Flower mechanic:

    Recently I awared that newer EX challenges usually have this World's Flower icon, do I need to care about it, or do I gain anything from changing my team to take advantage from it ?

  6. #10146

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    I think you just get damage bonus from skills if your girls are equiped with a 6* equipement (personnal or event one) with world flower typing matching their own nation and enemies nation weakness. I almost never bothered with that stuff and just brute force through stages the good old way. Even on Nation missions based on this mechanic. I don't even know how this stuff actually works.
    The bonus from 6* personal equipment seems way better than the nation typing things anyway.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  7. #10147
    Umm, I think I've missed a lot of personal equipment from this type of farm event, I can't find the place to buy those equipment: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki/Very_Berry_Easter

    I think recent events do get harder for me, yeah I still win but it takes quite a long time per EX clear, that's why I want to improve my team to farm faster and more reliable.

  8. #10148

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    There is always 4 equipement per event (one of each), no matter the event type. If you've completed the farm events, you should have all the equipements. If you refer to the 6* equipements, it's just the 5* after using Aqua Crystals on them. The wiki's presentation may be a bit confusing.
    You can buy them during the event reprint and buy them with no time restriction when the event entrer it's rereprint state.

    EX dungeons are a bit harder since last event when it became unlimited but I didn't notice any change other than the nation typing otherwise.
    I built two very poweful teams for them so, I just clear everything turn 1. But yeah, it's gets quickly boring to do the same stage over and over when it takes too long.

    I'm definitively not cheating by using two Spring Star School
    Spring Star School is very good in these stages. I hope you managed to get more than one. Thunberg Spirea Christmas is good too.
    Then, good turn 1 with all target skills girls like Dendrobium, Pinkladies Flower Saint, Helianthus, Tritoma obvioulsy... are best choices. And various buffs to make them great. Or stack turn one attackers.
    Faster is better here. Girls like Zinnia, Corbett or any other good girls who needs time to setup are not a good choice.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #10149
    I just upgraded my Corbett to lv100 and maxed out everything and it did get faster, I think I will need to save a lot of centies and they're my real gate, after saving for so long I still don't have enough of them to max out my first lv120 unit aka Corbett. Or did I farmed all the wrong place ? Recently I focused on farming Memory Dungeons, and they give pretty good rewards.

    I don't know my turn 1 team can't even do anything in EX, probably need more investment but I don't think they are very useful for me compare to Corbett, and Valentine Knotweed, she turned out to be really good. I think slowly I will move on from turn 1 team and focus on something else, maybe a skill drain team.

    I'm not sure about equipment upgrade, and currently that is my final source to squeeze even more power for Corbett.

    And I saw a lot of posts of this blogger showing off personal weapons of Corbett and many units, is it possible for me to get those weapons ? https://dororon-fkg.blog.jp/archives/19411673.html
    Last edited by NBPEL; 03-22-2023 at 01:16 AM. Reason: Could be wrong data need recheck

  10. #10150

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    The new 7 or 27 limited stage (available for 24h in the limited stage tab) is really good. 7 stamina, doable as much as you want and make Rainbow Shards for rarity growth easily farmable.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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