The field screen from farm event takes a while to load and don't load at all if I quit before it's fuly loaded. It was really annoying before I knew I had to wait that long load time. Now, I just go to it once a day and that's all. It don't bother me that much.
Farm event was a cool event type but like every other, it became annoying after a while. I don't really like it but it's more because of average rewards than the event itself. I guess my favorite event right now is the card flip with high/low mini game.

I wont say I'm bored but I think the same somehow. There is stuff to do (like crazy grinding) but the game lack of huge hard content to do I guess. Or something as big as the final bosses events. Or at least a good old reroll gacha. I hope for it too.

The new cake-loli Macadamia is okay. Too bad she is just a generic loli.