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  1. #1261

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Woot that's a great roll, 1rainbow and 1gold, both new too. Soapwart can even recover hp. Although I rarely see her on ally list.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  2. #1262

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    UTC +8; somewhere far southwest of Japan
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I got this from my 10 tickets I´ve saved up from the last ticket event and used just now.
    GZ, Myrdin. She has that -30% enemy skill chance debuff (if I'm not mistaken, that's the highest for skill chance debuffs) and a chance to self-heal each turn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    New event page is up.

    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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  3. #1263

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    Myrdin thank you.
    Around that moment the stun effect from legendary pull not worn out properly.

    I realize Mindrunner still fresh in DMM so I decide to post something about the running lane
    with some crop pic. but the result...
    I just do very short post and miss-croping the picture.

    So it's like OK I'm drunk. I'm smoke too much. Enough. Rest go rest REST.

    I already know from very first moment that RNG on DMM will not go easy on me.
    20 gems on my first day just trun out into 3 bronze and 1 silver.
    2nd day the silver ticket give me dup. And 7th day gold ticket give gold girl that very hard to use.

    Compare with Nutaku I'm already get 3 gold from 25 gems on first day. And I still remember all gold on my first day.

    No worry I can move on. My short term plan is try to be useful helper group for my allies.
    Long term... not telling yet but I'll try to reach it.

    And that's very good pull Myrdin. If I have more stronger group I'll send allies request to you.

  4. #1264
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    New event page is up.
    It doesn't reflect the changes that happened for this event. The progress buttons alternate as roll. Special tiles are in all areas. Loot is spread between lines relatively evenly. The centerpiece switches to different prizes in other lines as you get them. There's also a graphical representation of the distances traveled.

  5. #1265
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
    Attachment 5090

    Translation, please? I don't speak Rune. Something is going to happen on the 19th, and that's it.

    There's another announcement saying something about "Release and the number 29.

    Also, I just got 5 FG's and Nazuna's wearing a wedding dress.

    Edit: for some reason I have 31/41 now when I checked the ally tab, instead of 31/31...
    Gacha prioritizing characters with double attack abilities is available until the 19th.

    It's been 29 months since release. Everyone gets two stones/day for ten days.

    June Bride themed event

    Ally lists have been increased by ten because devs felt like it.

  6. #1266

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    dat explains why I had more allies spot lol

    which Gacha is the double attack on? Need picz since I can't read lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
    Ah, you drank too much Sake (I think he's Japanese, so) before that 11 pull. That explains everything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Attachment 5090

    Translation, please? I don't speak Rune. Something is going to happen on the 19th, and that's it.

    There's another announcement saying something about "Release and the number 29.

    Also, I just got 5 FG's and Nazuna's wearing a wedding dress.

    Edit: for some reason I have 31/41 now when I checked the ally tab, instead of 31/31...
    nvm should go read the previous posts lol

    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  7. #1267

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    It's Yomena: http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/Yomena
    She is just a bit supr powerful. 25% chance to attack again, +12% damage for whole team (it seems) when evolved.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #1268
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    dat explains why I had more allies spot lol

    which Gacha is the double attack on? Need picz since I can't read lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    nvm should go read the previous posts lol

    Smaller pool of candidates though. Dunno if it affects the outcome, probably not. Gave it a shot. Only bronze and silvers.... T^T Have enough for another try but I think I really need to start saving up FGs if I want a shot at Tiger Lily.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  9. #1269

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    Eh... just a short post...
    Mindrunner I'm not Japanese.
    I live in Southeast Asia.
    And I drunk because I drink too much cocoa LOL.

  10. #1270

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    Alright... because loading up the rally page was quite a PITA until earlier today and I was already too tired to make a more elaborate post yesterday, I just opted to link the Event 56's mechanics for convenience's sake. I recently found out that the UI was actually updated and that there are already Special Panels starting in Area 1. Event 56 didn't have these panels until Area 9, iirc.


    A: The rewards within the chests represented by icons in [G]. When one of the rally girls get the first reward (event girl or her skill/slot flower), the other chests turn into flowerpots (bronze, then silver, then gold) until all of them are cleared.

    B: Shows the number of the area currently being played. After getting the first item (event girl or her skill/slot flower) in [A], a new area will be unlocked.

    C: Accesses the treasure rally home page.

    D: Full reward list for the active area.

    E1: Blue lane. Water Lily [E1'] is on this lane.
    E2: Red lane. Nerine [E2'] is on this lane.
    E3: Yellow lane. Yomena [E3'] is on this lane.
    E4: Green lane. Bouvardia [E4'] is on this lane.

    F: A special panel. Its color will determine which lane color will be affected, and its number will determine the number of panels the girl in the affected lane will move. For example, if one of the girls lands on a blue colored "Move 2" special panel, the girl in the blue lane will move 2 steps. If it's a "To Next" special panel, then the girl in the affected lane will move to the next special panel. Special panels only activate when landed on.

    Take advantage of these to start a combo and advance multiple girls from just a single roll.

    G: A "progress bar" of sorts. Indicates the position of the girls in their respective lanes. That mini-icon in the middle of every bar represents the central chest in the lane, which may contain a rewards specified in [A].

    H: Rolls the Nazupon using Ore [K]. You can only use the roll in the current area. If you roll a "1" ball twice in a row, you'll receive 1 Champagne [L].

    I: Indicates the number of panels between the girl's location and the chest(s) in the center of each lane, and after that, the number of panels from the goal.

    J: The Nazupon. Not much to say here other than good luck...

    K: Shows the number of Marriage Ore currency. Ore is used to roll the Nazupon [J].

    L: Shows the number of Festival Champagne currency. Using Champagne will let you move a girl to the next special panel without rolling the Nazupon.

    M: Button for using Champagne.

    Doing a Combo Using Special Panels

    In this test roll, I got the "1" ball from the Nazupon. (Well, fuck that...)

    With only 1 step, I was given the following options from top to bottom:
    A. Blue: Blue Lane-Move 3 Special Panel
    B. Red: Coin panel
    C. Yellow: Blue Lane-Move 2 Special Panel
    D. Green: Coin panel

    No possible combos with B or D, so it'd be either A or C. I'll have to pick one that will result in as many combos as possible, so I can do more advancements with less Nazupon rolls.

    Option A: Water Lily would move once (because of the "1" roll) and land on the Blue Lane-Move 3 Special Panel, so as an effect, she would move 3 times. She would then land on the Green Lane-Move 3 Special Panel, making Bouvardia on the green lane move thrice and land on a Yellow Lane-To Next Special Panel. This would force Yomena on the yellow lane to head to the next Special Panel, which is a Blue Lane-Move 2 Special Panel. Water Lily would then move by 2 more panels and land on a coin panel. End of combo. Moved 3 girls by a total of 10 panels (1+3+3+1+2).

    Option C: Yomena would land on the Blue Lane-Move 2 Special Panel. Water Lily would move by 2 panels (skipping the Move 3 Panel in the process) and land on a coin panel. End of combo. Moved 2 girls by a total of 3 panels (1+2).

    Of course, I ultimately went with A in this one.

    I hope those would help you, folks.
    Last edited by Raine; 06-13-2017 at 04:45 PM.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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