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  1. #1

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    It's normal since she turn back from lvl70 to lvl1 and don't get doubled affection bonus like when she get evolved form.
    Someone (I gess it's Roentgen) said some stuff about that some pages ago. Fesh bloomed form is weak compared to max level evolved girl and need a lot of ressources to back to their usual power. That's why 2nd affection gauge help a lot. And, IMO, why you should not bloom a girl until you have enough gold/manyu to quick level up her to lvl 30/40.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #2

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    The most annoying thing for new fresh player is money.
    We need it badly to upgrade our squad but don't get it much LOL.

    Seem Roentgen don't drop by at all.

  3. #3

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    For money, you just need to do only low stamina event stages. They give more money and more exp to get more stamina and even more money. Add the money got from event and 2/3* girls and you will have enough if you manage it well and don't blow it stupidly. Espacially on DMM where money is raining.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #4

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    Myrdin is powering up! He's in top-form.
    If it possible don't take Anenone out, I like her sweep motion.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Best. Gather. EVER!

    Hopefully, Money Tree is so cute.
    I like the fact that she is holding a silver Flower Pot. Breaking the 4th wall just a little bit right there

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
    Fortune Teller Girl leaves Myrdin's team:

    Attachment 5172

    He already evolved Soapgirl aswell.
    What is weird is that it shows the girls having lvl 65. I can assure you, all of them are topped with Soap chan being the only exception since I just evolved her like what... yeasterday... today ?... (doing night shifts this week so as you can guess my time perception is a bit skewered right now)

    Protea is one of the best Magic type 5* girls out there (Fortune Teller chan) so she was re-assigned to a different team. She want be warming the benches anytime soon. Her passive chance to repeat an attack = and it that attacks procs. Ulti has been very useful to me.
    The reason why she had to be swapped however was that she was the only one without Skill Activation thus she was replaced with a Higher tier Magic char.

    So as you can see rest assured twillight, for the moment Anemone is not going anywhere
    And even if she was replaced, she is a permanent girl in my Garden so you can always come and visit if you are in the neighborhood. *thumbsup*
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-15-2017 at 12:49 PM.

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