Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
Sasara ; Long time on seeing you. How have you been?
Just quick update, after the Fabulous Vacation Incident I complete move to DMM.

People who play FGO just like under some kind of control.
They can't stop playing or worst can't stop paying even DW service is sh*t.
Until today there are still incident that those FGO slave lost almost 1000$ for nothing.
I will never understand what they thinking.
Oh, I'm fine thank you. You're the first one who noticed I'm back and remembers me XD

Erm, Fabulous Vacation, which girl was featured in that event? Can't remember. When you say you completely move to DMM, does that mean you're not playing the Nutaku one anymore? What about the 6★ girls in your Nutaku account?

Yeah, FGO is like, hypnotizing people. You're right, they can't stop paying even with the bad service. I like your usage of FGO slave, very accurate. I also will never understand the mentality behind this.