About Fabulous Holiday, it suddenly happened on Japanese Mugwort event. (Collab with PeroPero) and they left without update the event on schedule. Can't remember if it is Monotropastrum reissued or main event. But without update the event time was cut from 7 days to 4 days and that without compensation in any form. Not even extend time limit for event. Of course there were white knights to protect them, just like always. That's the start of my 'rage-quit' but I hang around (with drastically lesser motivation to play) until the lagging issue become too much in Firecracker Plant event, which I finally made up my mind and move to DMM permanently.

Move to different topic...

[Chat Chit] DMM FKG-6o0rz5l.png

This pest(?) hit damn hard, like... DAMN hard. I barely clear stage 2 and got crushed magnificently in stage 3. And I still don't know what the point of these bonus stage if they just gonna give 50 golds only.