Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
Pretty sure this event is about idol, and the pests are presented as those typical disgusting otaku who don't know/when/where to interact properly with idols.

Seems like Anemone is really shy and refuse to meets anyone yet...
No kidding. I know I may be socially awkward at times, but these otaku really take it to a whole new level. Granted, not all otaku are like that. But the show we are just talking about "My First Girlfriend is a Gal", the protagonist's three "buddies" are complete losers! In no way would I hang around guys that desperate to see some T&A. Any more and I would expect to see them frothing at the mouth. Guys like that will never find someone. So I can see hot the devs are making a play at mocking idol crazed otaku. But that's their world. Over here, too many stuck up bitches looking for the wrong kind of guy and us good guys left out to dry. -sigh-